How can I stay successful in school with insomnia?

2015-12-15 8:30 am
I got prescribed sleeping meds but I don't take them so I can prove that I don't have to rely on them, and haven't slept for 3 days straight. At this point I start to see things, can't concentrate on one thing, and just completely lose my mind. I'm in 3 AP classes and put myself to high expectations. But lately iv'e been lacking but my grades haven't gone down that much. However, I seem to procrastinate more, and eat less and start binging at one time, and everything is seeming to fall apart. At school I just put on that smile on my face and get on with it but it's been really hard, I almost cried after PE because i'm one the athletic people at school and I got a terrible mile time. And if you know me I DO NOT cry at school, i'm actually the one that is always there when people need a shoulder to cry on, and considered a strong person, except for that one time where I felt super sick at school and my teacher told me I would be fine but instead I was feeling soooo bad I bawled and got sent home for 2 weeks because I had Bronchitis. Lol please help.

回答 (2)

2015-12-15 8:46 am
Drink your meds as the doctor prescribed. Everything will improve later.
2015-12-15 8:36 am
Whatever you do, do not take any pills or medicine, that **** is bad for you and only there so you become dependent on it and spend your money on it

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:45:31
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