ok, this question is for the guys and dolls..?

2015-12-15 6:48 am

.if you ask someone a question, fairly intimate, and you have history,and they say sure do you take that as an ahhh, yeah i guess i have to or should....i need a yes or no, an sure feels like an obligation to me, idk thats my choice of word with obligation, guys does this mean yes to you, or obligation? Im a female asking a reconnected ex if they want to meet for a drink while im in town...answer....sure....i said dont worry about it, was look for a yeah that could be fun or an ah sorry, cant

回答 (5)

2015-12-15 7:07 am
if we do have a history then i am going to answer honestly ---- i would not feel any obligation ---- if he said "sure" then he means it not because he has to but because he wants to
2015-12-15 6:59 am
2015-12-15 6:51 am
That's not a question.
2015-12-15 6:51 am
OK. I'm waiting.
2015-12-15 6:53 am
sorry, my computer is messed up.....

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