I need help choosing a career in the sciences?

2015-12-15 4:43 am
I am a college sophomore and I have plans set out for the next couple of years. I am majoring in Biology and I'm thinking about adding Cognitive Neuroscience as a minor because I really enjoy Psychology. I'm planning on goong to grad school most importantly if I don't get into med school. I don't want like a PhD degree. Just either a MS or MD (similar to those) in the speciality I am choosing which is Neuroscience. I know there are some jobs like becoming a doctor, but anything a little bit lower maybe. Like for instance, someone who works in a hospital that can maybe deal with patients or lab equipments related to my field. Thanks for reading!

回答 (2)

2015-12-15 7:06 am
1. You stated that if you don't get into a medical school, you just want an MD degree. That is a medical doctor, and you need to go to a medical school (it can also be DO) to get one.

2. You cannot do much with an undergrad degree in psychology. You will need a minimum of a master's degree, plus your state license, but better yet you would need a PhD, to really work (another way of putting it is you would be paid more what a doctorate degree.). Remember that a psychologist does not and cannoprescribe medication.

3. You are almost late in choosing your career/degree in science at this time. You may have spent the first two years taking your general education classes, and I hope you are doing well, but if you want to work in the laboratory, you want to become a medical technologist/scientist. It is a minimum of a bachelor's degree, but it is better to get a master's degree (I have a friend who is one, he runs a small lab, working night shift.) To run a larger lab, you need to actually have a PhD and perhaps combination of MD/PhD. That can take years.

4. Number three does not really deal with patients unless you occasionally have to draw blood to fill in the phlebotomist when they step out to lunch. To do with patient, you would become a nurse, and you ought to get a BSN degree. However you are already almost half way through college and you will be spending at least a few more years doing this.
參考: Am a nurse
2015-12-15 5:14 am
Neuroscience - you need to either do a PhD in psychology, or go the med school route. You could try to narrow things down by looking at what you like to do - are you talking about seeing patients? Or doing lab work without patients?

Here's one of the more interesting small articles I show students, about neuroscience. http://www.wisegeek.org/what-are-the-different-neuroscience-careers.htm

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