I'm 25 years never married single guy I got a marriage offer from a 50 years old mature divorce lady should I accept? If no why?

2015-12-15 3:24 am

回答 (7)

2015-12-15 3:25 am
Doubt you are that desperate.
2015-12-15 3:36 am
Marry a woman 25 years old than you? Unless she's very rich, in what possible way could that benefit you?

Because you're 25 you're too naive to understand that at 40 you'll still be young but she'll be 65. Think about it.
2015-12-15 3:33 am
if its for love go for it but if not I wouldn't so much as consider it, your 25 years old you've got years to find someone, don't rush into anything because that will do no one any good. a question to ask yourself is: do you want kids in the future? she probably wouldn't be able to provide them for you. but its your choice.
2015-12-15 3:31 am
Just move in and do the sex thing. Save marriage for younger.
2015-12-15 3:26 am
Cant you make up your own mind since youre the one that'll be in the marriage with her.
2015-12-15 3:26 am
Are you in love with her? Are you attracted to her? Being you want a family/kids?
2015-12-15 3:25 am
depends really. i mean youll probs never have kids with her and thatd suck i guess?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:46:26
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