Can someone please help me understand this recurring dream about home invasion?

2015-12-14 2:52 am
By recurring, i dont mean every night, but every couple of months for 2 years now, i get a dream of a gang of people invading our home. But they don't appear to be thieves. Every time i have this dream, its the same set of ppl but there is a different version. I remember one time, i managed to run out of the house and ask for the neighbour's help.
Anyhow last night, i dreamt the people came and my father just left us, saying he has to go meet a client and my mom, my brother and i manage to flee to the vehicle and my brother takes the wheel and i argue with him telling him, "u shouldn't have drove there, u should have drove straight out that point of the street". We knew the guy was following us but he wasn't in a vehicle, he was looking at us as we left. i should tell u the surroundings in my dreams are all familiar to me.
Anyhow i decide to drive and i see myself speeding down the road and i see no cars there so i could sped without having to worry. Anyhow, i drive fastly until we meet the busy piblic road where we feel as though they arent following us or that we escaped them.
So my question is, this is the first time i think i actually escaped the gang, so will i ever get this dream again?
What bothers me is that my father just left us. Is this symbolic of something? I should also mention my father has had strange dreams as of late too.

回答 (2)

2015-12-14 2:58 am
Mention it to your parents and brothers and sisters. Maybe it will have some meaning to them. Could be something that will happen in the future.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:48:15
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