I a spoiled b****?

2015-12-14 2:42 am
So I'm 15 and for my birthday my parents got me an unlimited credit card, a new Michael kors bag, iPhone 6s, 2 pairs of Louis Vuitton sneaker, 500 dollar gift card to sephora and Victoria's secret, new beats headphones, 4 tickets to see JB in Boston plus first class plane tickets, and 3 new Tiffany rings. This girl keeps calling me a spoiled little b**** bc I got some cool presents. Is this spoiled or just my parents being nice to me?

回答 (5)

2015-12-14 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm rich, a genius, and handsome. Being spoiled isn't bad it sets you up to do better in life! This girl is just jealous of you and your good state in life, so just chill and have fun in your first class tickets while she mops up Walmart floors. :) Best of luck!
2015-12-14 2:47 am
yes you are a spoiled b
2015-12-14 2:46 am
Very very spoiled.
參考: Trolling is not for everyone, at least make it somewhat believable.
2015-12-14 2:45 am
Sounds spoiled to me. If this is even true.
2015-12-14 2:52 am
It all depends if you are grateful for those gifts and appreciate thoughtfulness of your parents. It is about attitude not of what you get. Most of people will never get those gifts from their parents because simply they won't be able to afford them. So you are fortunate to have rich parents who want to make you happy. People will be jealous and envious so ignore them. It is about how you receive those gifts. Are you grateful or feel like it's not enough? Will you do something nice in return? That determines if you're spoiled.

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