I made a couple break up by accident and I don't know what to do now?

2015-12-13 11:11 pm

So this girl I really like had a bf but she would still hang out with me. Normally her bf trusts her around me but I know he has a sneaky suspicion and thinks I wanted to break them up. She hates me now because we hung out and I sent a pic of her to her bf, but she lied to him about who she was with. This morning I wake up to her telling me how much her and her family hates me and I can't see her ever again. What do I do? I really like the girl but thought her lying about being with me was wrong

回答 (3)

2015-12-13 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It was a silly move you did about sending picture of her to her boyfriend, that was out of line. But you DIDN'T make her stay! She stayed because she chose to and you're not responsible for her decision. She didn't have to lie about who she was with and that's not your fault because you DIDN'T make her lie about it. That actions of hers caused the break up and that one is on her.

I don't know what that girl told to her family, but she's a liar, she probably made up crap in order to defend herself. Who cares if her family hates you? They only heard 1 side of the stories and took that as the truth, how foolish is that?

She says she hates you because she's not a strong enough person to admit her faults. It's not her place to tell that she hates you anyways.

Next time, go find another one who's lot better than her because I think you deserve much more.
2015-12-13 11:16 pm
first off she shouldn't have lied about who she's with. so it's not entirely your fault. seeing as she did have a boyfriend, you should have probably stayed in your lane but it was also her choice to agree to hang out with you, so she's also to blame and (in my opinion) has no right to 'hate' you.
2015-12-13 11:15 pm
you accept you had nothing to do with it ---- you cant make a couple break up especially by accident ---- it was going to happen whatever you did or said

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