5'3 and 94lbs. Am I overweight?

2015-12-13 7:55 am

回答 (4)

2015-12-13 9:04 am
No. On the contrary actually. You are underweight by at least ten pounds.
2015-12-13 8:15 am
you're underweight, NOT overweight. your BMI is 16.6
2015-12-13 8:32 am
Only if your a Rabbit, if you are a teen girl you are SKINNY, most likely underweight unless you are under 12 years old. A healthy and normal 13 year old girl should weigh 99 pounds.

So relax unless you are a tubby bunny, then eat less carrots.
2015-12-13 7:59 am
I think NO

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