Would you say anti-feminists have liberal aspects in them but they hate bull?

2015-12-12 3:39 pm

回答 (8)

2015-12-12 4:29 pm
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it depends on the anti-feminist.

Im an anti-feminist for very specific reasons - and I can justify those reasons - and I can explain my position - and justify my position.

nothing in my reasons - or my position - is sexist. and I am also a liberal - in the classical sense. on many topics I am as liberal as the most liberals I argue against - infact - Im more liberal than these people.

liberals today are not liberals - they're morons.
2015-12-12 4:13 pm
Anti-feminists are all over the map in their beliefs. Some have hated women so much they have mass murdered them, like Marc Lepine, and some actually do believe in women as being equal human beings to men. I don't think you can typecast an anti-feminist anymore than a feminist because they are so diverse. Anti-feminist tend to be full of the bull more than most - at least here in Gender Studies. I see few back up any arguments with any evidence at all, except logical fallacies and ad hominem.
2015-12-12 3:55 pm
I would say that anti-feminists are a very diverse bunch, save for their dislike of feminism.

Not all have liberal aspects. And many of them thrive on bullshitz.
2015-12-12 3:43 pm
I can't speak for them all; but I don't think that's entirely true. I definitely think that they hate bull...I mean, that goes without saying when you are labeled as "anti-feminist." But I would tend to think that they are more conservative.
2015-12-12 4:28 pm
They hate bull? They sure sling a lot of but to not like it.
2015-12-12 3:44 pm
I think many of them do have liberal aspects in them but I've noticed that most anti-feminists are very conservative and those people usually lean to the far right.
2015-12-12 4:04 pm
I'm left leaning but also an anti-Feminist, because Feminism has crossed the line and just wants to judge all things as being equal, when they're not. We can have a Darwinian productive element whilst also looking after those who really can't take care of themselves... the old and infirm.. being fat, or trans, or gay, or having painted finger nails that are going to break if you lift things.. none of that counts.

None of that is a disability, that's being an asshole.

But absolutely we need a safety net, and a system that just looks after those who have genuinely fallen on their face. and the money is there.. it's utterly despicable that some own so much wealth they couldn't burn it in one lifetime whilst others can't feed their kids.. we need to sort this out.

I'm a Socialist.. but god damn if Feminism isn't really trying my patience.. over-privileged first world brats, trying to tell us about how hard it is to be a woman whilst they sit on a Macbook, supping a cappafrappachino with chocolate sprinkle and asking where their next pedicure is coming from

(rant over)
2015-12-12 5:32 pm
So far, most of the MRAs (to be distinguished from anti-feminists) I've met have been Libertarian. That's not a statistical statement, but merely using myself as a data point. I myself am a died-in-the-wool liberal.

For people who are not MRAs but think feminism has lost its way ... they are ALL over the map. Seriously, you'd be hard pressed to make any affirmative statement about them other than that they probably aren't feminists.

Oh yeah ... and that they are an increasing majority.

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