My dog just had puppies but isnt taking care of them?

2015-12-12 11:35 am
My dog gave puppies but didnt take care of them and just left them around. Some one told me not to touch them or the mother would abandon them so i left them thinking she'd take care of them but she didnt and killed them. So i finally took the last one and thought id take care of it myself. Its around 30 hours old now and hasnt even opened its eyes. I have no experience in this and dont know what to do. I had to clean him and cut the cord myself, ive been giving him milk (half milk half water) with a droper which i think hes been drinking enough of, though i dont know how much to give him. Ive been giving him around 10 drops every 2 hours. Is that sufficient? He doesnt drink much and spits most of it out. He was crying alot last night, i kept him right infront of the heater now and hes quiet, so i guess he was just cold even though i made him comfy in lots of towles... What should i do to help him survive? Any tips?

回答 (7)

2015-12-12 11:42 am
Oh god...
Milk? Mixed with water? Ten drops!!
You're KILLING this pup. Slowly. His mother killing him would probably be preferable.

You have NO idea what you are doing. You said so yourself.
Take him to the vet NOW. Emergency vet if it's after hours.

I seriously doubt he'll survive the night, even if you did get him to someone who knew what they were doing now. You've already screwed him up pretty bad...
2015-12-12 11:41 am
You NEED to get puppy milk from the pet store. You also need to:
-Keep him warm with a heating pad set on low, one end of box unheated.
-Wipe his bottom to get him to urinate.
-He won't open his eyes for a few days.
-Contact the vet.
2015-12-12 1:50 pm
You are not taking care of the puppies. Your ignorance is killing them

Cows milk is lethal to puppies.
The eyes wont open for another 3 weeks.

2015-12-12 1:26 pm
Then why did you allow her to breed? You brought this on yourself, now deal with it.

Start by taking her in for her postnatal care and get the pup examined which should have been done within 24 hours after the birth, to the vet which you have on call for emergencies.

While there you may discuss all your concerns such as care of the pup and getting her spayed so this doesn't happen again.

This pup may also die without proper formula and/or goats milk.
2015-12-12 1:14 pm
Why do you listen to what random people tell you? Touching a newborn pup will not cause a dog to abandon them - you should have packed up mom and the pups and taken them to the nearest emergency vet, then they would have had a chance. Mom needs to go to the vet to ensure there isn't retained fetal material, and take that pup - if it's still alive with you. It needs puppy formula, not milk mixed with water. That has no nutrition for a pup, and it needs to be fed round the clock every two hours. Until you get them both to a vet, feed the puppy formula - NOT milk and water. Go get it now. Pet stores, vets, wal mart. And this is Nature's way of telling you that you should have had your dog spayed. The world does not need more back yard breeder pups, and your dog has made it clear that she has no desire to be a mother.
2015-12-12 12:46 pm
Take him to a VET
He needs puppy formula or goats milk. Cow milk cannot be properly digested and will cause diarrhea.
He also needs stimulated to pee and poop. Newborn puppies cannot relieve themselves on their own. Take a warm, damp washcloth and gently massage the genitals and anus.
2015-12-12 1:00 pm
Go to Petsmart or another pet store and buy something you can bottle feed it with. Youre going to need to feed this baby way more than that. They canhelp you there. And yes, keep it warm. Cow milk and water are not what it needs. It needs something specifically formulated for puppies.

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