I find it awkward to talk to guys?

2015-12-12 9:11 am
When they ask me about my personal love life. I'm not that experience with relationships and I'm still a virgin. I've always been the shy one and I'm 27. Not sure how to explain this to a guy I next meet...

回答 (4)

2015-12-12 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
If he asks, just be truthful. If the guy is mature and worth your time then he'll appreciate your openness and honesty. Being a virgin or inexperienced with relationships is nothing to be ashamed of, no matter your age. A worthwhile guy will love you regardless of that.

Any guy who responds negatively to that part of you isn't someone you'd be happy with. He'd probably end up criticizing you for a bunch of other meaningless crap if you stayed with him.

Good luck.
2015-12-12 9:29 am
You don't need to get too personal too quickly. Take your time and if they don't want to then they aren't worth dating. Good luck.
2015-12-12 9:27 am
Just talk to them as if they are a friend and not somebody you are attracted to. Works for me!
2015-12-12 9:21 am
then dont say anything ---- all this worry about experience in relationships is unnecessary ---- every romance is different every relationship is different ---- being a virgin is not a big deal ----- you ignore the only ONLY important thing and that is how you feel about each other ---- when you both care nothing else matters you just want to be together and the rest is details

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