Why are the Eagles of Death Metal called that, if they aren't Death Metal? Kinda stupid don't you think?

2015-12-11 9:36 pm

回答 (7)

2015-12-11 10:13 pm
It's less confusing than the name of my band,
'the N!gg@s with attitude of pornogrind'
2015-12-11 9:43 pm
They got their name from a remark the band's co-founder Josh Homme made about music someone was playing and had claimed to be death metal which was actually too soft for death metal, leading to Homme to call it "the eagles of death metal". After the band's other founding member Jesse Hughes heard this, he decided to base his band's style on what a cross between The Eagles and death metal might sound like, adopting Homme's remark as the name for the band.

Yes, it is stupid. But that's the point. And I think it's even sillier that people like you take it seriously when the tongue-in-cheek behind it should be pretty obvious, since they're obviously not death metal...
2015-12-11 9:40 pm
Just because their name has "Eagles", it doesn't mean that THEY are the Eagles. Hope you understood what i mean.
2015-12-11 9:38 pm
I thought that too. Seems like people would be expecting death metal.
2015-12-11 10:29 pm
No, cuz they joked that the band Vader were "the Eagles" of death metal. The name for the band arose from that joke.

Both Vader and the EODM have excellent music.
2015-12-11 10:25 pm
No they are called it because of events that happened in their lives. The name of a band sometimes only the members of the band get.
2015-12-11 9:45 pm
That's the joke.

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