What does salami taste like?

2015-12-11 7:34 pm
I think I want to taste it, but it doesn't look cooked. Is it similar to bologna or pepperoni? I like pepperoni on pizza, but not cold and I haven't eaten bologna since I was a little kid. I wouldn't eat it again.

回答 (1)

2015-12-11 7:36 pm
salami is more similar to pepperoni then bologne, and it's so dehydrated when you eat it cold it doesn't taste like raw meat at all, it taste like crunchy meat, but if your really not into cold meat which seems like you aren't

salami does make a great pizza topping, infact salami can be used any way you use pepperoni
2015-12-11 7:36 pm
It tastes good.
2015-12-11 7:35 pm
you wanna taste my salami?

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