Nitrogen or Air in Automobile Tires?

2015-12-11 7:09 pm

回答 (6)

2015-12-11 7:23 pm
Air, there is absolutely no gain in putting nitrogen in a cars tyre unless you are competitively racing on a track.
2015-12-11 7:46 pm
Standard compressed air is nearly 80% anyway. So the use of pure nitrogen is not a necessity.
2015-12-11 7:44 pm
Air, there is no need for Nitrogen in your tires unless you plan on driving over 180 MPH , Nitrogen in your tires is definitely a super car thing.
2015-12-11 7:10 pm
2015-12-27 10:28 am
A thought shared.
2015-12-11 11:01 pm
two trains of though on this.I read an article in popular Mechanic on this, Both serve the same purpose. Nitrogen is though to help increase tire life.But there is no scientific proof to back this up.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:42:43
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