How much does your healthcare cost you?

2015-12-11 4:27 pm
Here in the Netherlands we have a compulsory health insurance. I think this is a good thing. But the costs of it are spiralling out of hand, because the legislation allows the insurance buffs to fill their pockets with, basically, my money. (I'll explain, if anyone wants to know)

The most basic personal health insurance costs on avarage 90 euros per month in premium. And then you still have to pay about 375 euros per year yourself. For a just-below-average income, that is about a month's worth of net income.

This basic insurance includes visits to the GP, costs of medicin and care at a hospital. If you want to include dental care, physiotherapy, diet-advice, glasses, other specific care or extended international coverage, it will easily add 50 euro to the monthly costs.

So I am curious: How much does your health-care scheme cost per month? Which country is that in?

回答 (4)

2015-12-11 4:28 pm
750 US dollars per month for my wife and I
2015-12-23 1:42 am
Unforunately, it's the same way in the U.S. The only way to control costs is to get care through appropriate channels. Don't go to the ER for something that can be treated by your regular doc.
2015-12-11 4:29 pm
Here in UK health care is covered by the National Health Service which is funded out of National Health Insurance Contributions which are compulsory for all of working age who are employed and their employers
2015-12-11 4:40 pm
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