If I filed custody, can I keep my child away from the father until the custody order goes through?

2015-12-11 3:57 pm

At Squidmaster, thank you for the response. I think that you are right., but what do I do if his house has become a tweaker flop house? It's become a moral dilemma for me now.


Okay Prepper World Bob, so you suggest that I let my 6 month old daughter go spend the day at an apartment full of stolen goods and where meth and alcohol has been flowing? Would that make me a "vindictive" mother that my child will hate me later over???

回答 (6)

2015-12-11 5:18 pm
You can try but, the father will use it against you in court. Doing so could get you less time when the judge orders custody/visitation.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2015-12-11 4:25 pm
Even if granted full custody, it is unlikely that a judge would allow you to keep the child from her father to visit.

Your only option would be to get "supervised" visitation, where (if) his living conditions/arrangements are not safe, then he would have to go somewhere else to visit, while being supervised.

But, this can only be answered by a "real" lawyer on your options.
2015-12-11 4:03 pm
Legally no, morally that would depend on "what is in the best interests of the child" and you can prove when asked in court, otherwise you will look in court like a spiteful parent
2015-12-11 4:17 pm
It is his child too, and he has a right to the child, just like you do
2015-12-11 4:06 pm
some vindictive mothers do that, like my ex - in the end my kids (now 18+) now want nothing to do with her
2015-12-11 3:58 pm
Until such time as a court rules otherwise, the father has a right to their children. As much right as you do.

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