有幾條關於Differentiation問題唔識做(希望有詳細步驟 同教學)?

2015-12-11 8:43 am
1.A bullet is fired straight upward from ground with a velocity of 400m/s. from physics, its height h above the ground after t seconds is h(t)= -16t^2+400t

a. find the time(sec) and the velocity(m/s)

b. find the maximum height achieved by the bullet

c.find the acceleration d^2h/st^2 at any time t.

2. a missile is fired into air. the height h of the missile after t seconds is given by

a. find initial velocity of the missile

b the velocity at height point

c the height attained when it is at the heightest location.

回答 (2)

2015-12-11 10:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. A bullet is fired straight upward from ground with a velocity of 400

m/s from physics, its height h above the ground after t seconds is
h(t)= -16t^2+400t

a. find the time(sec) and the velocity(m/s)

v(t) = h'(t) = 400 - 32t

b. find the maximum height achieved by the bullet

v(t) = 0

=> t = 400/32 = 12.5"

=> max = h(12.5) = 400*12.5 - 16*12.5^2 = 2500 m

c.find the acceleration d^2h/st^2 at any time t.

a(t) = v'(t) = -32 m/s^2

2. A missile is fired into air and h of the missile after t is given by
h(t) = 19.2t - 4.8t^2

b. the velocity at height point

v(t) = h'(t) = 19.2 - 9.6t

a. find initial velocity of the missile

vo = v(0) = 19.2 m/s

c.the heightest location

v(t) = 0

=> t = 19.2/9.6 = 2"

=> max = h(2) = 19.2*2 - 4.8*4 = 19.2 m

3. The daily profit=p, of a residential flat developer is given by


a. how many flat sold per day will give maximum profit?

p'(x) = 800 - 4x = 0

x = 200 units

b.what is the maximum profit(daily)?

max = p(200)

= 800*200 - 2*40000

= 8000 $
2015-12-11 8:53 am

The daily profit, p, of a residential flat developer is given by


a, how many flat sold per day will give maximum profit?
b, what is the maximum profit(daily)?

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 20:11:08
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