Do you like hugs??

2015-12-11 7:33 am
I myself hate hugging.. Everytime a person hug me, I would lain backward and never go all the way not even 5 seconds... I just don:t understand the concept why people would hug you and make you feel that you are special, but not doing it in action... Probably I am more a Action type of a person.. Cause I believe tht talk is cheap..Sorry for being crubby, butI have incountered people who likes to hug and fool of balognes talking who is not actually doing it in actions....

回答 (13)

2015-12-11 7:38 am
Only from my husband. Don't like other people touching me.
2015-12-11 7:36 am
Hugs are very helpful.
2015-12-11 7:35 am
I like hugs only from people I like .
2015-12-11 7:52 am
Yes, but from opposite Sex.
2015-12-11 7:38 am
2015-12-11 9:06 am
I love hugs. They're very healing.
2015-12-11 8:13 am
2015-12-11 8:02 am
It's weird because I like giving hugs (for a nanosecond) but I hate being hugged. Other than that I'm in the same boat as you.
2015-12-11 7:51 am
Only from those that I feel comfortable with, I never gave others a real hug before. Never fully that is.
2015-12-11 7:45 am
I like hugs from my bf and hugs for child but other hugs are not needed
2015-12-11 7:44 am
I don’t have any feelings towards hugs in general. I don’t like it from total strangers though. I don’t like unexpected hugs. I don’t like sudden hugs. I either smile if it is a close friend or stand like a statue if it is someone random. I’m neutral towards it. No hate nor like it.
2015-12-11 7:37 am
About... 99% of the time I hate hugs. I'll freeze up, freak out, cringe, stand totally stiff, try to pull away... The only exceptions are my close friends, and there's only one person I like to hug for any extended amount of time.
2015-12-11 7:34 am
Sure, who doesn't?

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