Giving my crush a Christmas present?

2015-12-11 1:49 am
This week I was thinking about giving my crush the Christmas present I got him tomorrow on Friday or should I give it to him next Friday the last day until Christmas break?

回答 (6)

2015-12-11 2:14 am
The last time you see him closest to December 25.
2015-12-11 1:57 am
I think you should give it to him the last day before christmas break. It can give him time to understand how he feels about you without that awkward post gift school experience
2015-12-11 1:51 am
Wait until NEXT Friday. THAT Way He'll remember You better- over the long Christmas Break. ;)
2015-12-11 1:49 am
the last day until Christmas!
2015-12-11 2:19 am
Last day until break
2015-12-11 2:16 am
Next Friday

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