Do you trust the main stream news media? Are you to the left (liberal) or the right (conservative)?

2015-12-10 7:03 pm

回答 (41)

2015-12-10 7:05 pm
I don't trust any one media source. I have to go through many sources before deciding upon whether something is true or not. There are some I trust more than others, but no one gets everything right all the time, and no one is completely unbiased all the time. I'm a left-leaning moderate
2015-12-10 7:05 pm
I don't trust any one media source. I have to go through many sources before deciding upon whether something is true or not. There are some I trust more than others, but no one gets everything right all the time, and no one is completely unbiased all the time. I'm a left-leaning moderate
2015-12-10 7:14 pm
I'm lib. I tune into the media for facts and frequently I get them. For example, when they broadcast the politician. I see and hear them say it, I believe they said it.
Sometimes the media is broadcasting an editorial/opinion. I take that for what it's worth but I'm always alert to hearing researchable facts.
Politics is my hobby. I spend hrs. a day absorbing the endless amount of knowledge by exploring sources. I love history too. The subjects work hand in hand.
I spend so much time researching the data, I know more about debating w/ the alternate view than most righties who think their opinion trumps facts.
I can play devil's advocate w/ the best of them but too many righties in this forum are so rude, I won't give any of them the ammunition.
Countless times I have posted my answer knowing where the soft spot is but the righties would rather contaminate my comment box w/ insults.
The righties have no idea how many people they alienate when swing voters see the bombastic fallacies they post and decide they can't align w/ nonsense.
2015-12-10 7:14 pm
I'm lib. I tune into the media for facts and frequently I get them. For example, when they broadcast the politician. I see and hear them say it, I believe they said it.
Sometimes the media is broadcasting an editorial/opinion. I take that for what it's worth but I'm always alert to hearing researchable facts.
Politics is my hobby. I spend hrs. a day absorbing the endless amount of knowledge by exploring sources. I love history too. The subjects work hand in hand.
I spend so much time researching the data, I know more about debating w/ the alternate view than most righties who think their opinion trumps facts.
I can play devil's advocate w/ the best of them but too many righties in this forum are so rude, I won't give any of them the ammunition.
Countless times I have posted my answer knowing where the soft spot is but the righties would rather contaminate my comment box w/ insults.
The righties have no idea how many people they alienate when swing voters see the bombastic fallacies they post and decide they can't align w/ nonsense.
2015-12-10 10:59 pm
Not really since the media has turned away from reporting news and become nothing but propaganda for either side.
2015-12-10 10:59 pm
Not really since the media has turned away from reporting news and become nothing but propaganda for either side.
2015-12-10 7:08 pm
All media has bias and their views should be taken with a grain of salt.

If watch the news, you're misinformed. If you don't watch the news, you're uninformed.
2015-12-10 7:08 pm
All media has bias and their views should be taken with a grain of salt.

If watch the news, you're misinformed. If you don't watch the news, you're uninformed.
2015-12-12 1:52 pm
Do I trust the main stream news media? Not an inch.

The BBC (the BBC for chrissakes) recently reported that 300,000+ people had signed a petition that Donald Trump should be excluded from the UK because of his comments about Muslims. They failed to report that a larger number had signed a petition agreeing with him. Biased reporting or what?
2015-12-12 1:52 pm
Do I trust the main stream news media? Not an inch.

The BBC (the BBC for chrissakes) recently reported that 300,000+ people had signed a petition that Donald Trump should be excluded from the UK because of his comments about Muslims. They failed to report that a larger number had signed a petition agreeing with him. Biased reporting or what?
2015-12-10 7:05 pm
No, I don't trust most media. I'm far to the left.
2015-12-10 7:05 pm
No, I don't trust most media. I'm far to the left.
2015-12-14 5:35 am
No one should trust the media. It is corporatist, it is dedicated only to profits and entertainment, and none of it is reliable at providing facts.
2015-12-14 5:35 am
No one should trust the media. It is corporatist, it is dedicated only to profits and entertainment, and none of it is reliable at providing facts.
2015-12-13 2:43 pm
I think it's good to understand their biases rather than blindly accepting whatever they proclaim as the truth.

I think the perception that there is such a thing as "straight news" or "just the facts" reporting largely does not exist anymore.
2015-12-13 2:43 pm
I think it's good to understand their biases rather than blindly accepting whatever they proclaim as the truth.

I think the perception that there is such a thing as "straight news" or "just the facts" reporting largely does not exist anymore.
2015-12-14 9:38 am
I know the difference between news, opinion and innuendo. I listen to the right and left. Buzz words are also something to watch for. I do like some commentators. Love seeing pbs fridays (if you don't know why, try it). Fox is a main stream media. Fox also has a problem with what they cover and their experts.

Don't piss on my leg and tell me the trickle down theory works. Don't tell me war is good or will solve many problems. Don't try to scare me, I am way older than many of you and learn from life.
參考: liberal
2015-12-14 9:38 am
I know the difference between news, opinion and innuendo. I listen to the right and left. Buzz words are also something to watch for. I do like some commentators. Love seeing pbs fridays (if you don't know why, try it). Fox is a main stream media. Fox also has a problem with what they cover and their experts.

Don't piss on my leg and tell me the trickle down theory works. Don't tell me war is good or will solve many problems. Don't try to scare me, I am way older than many of you and learn from life.
參考: liberal
2015-12-10 7:06 pm
Of course not.
2015-12-10 7:06 pm
Of course not.
2015-12-10 8:22 pm
I is on the left thats why I watch RT and NO American channels.
2015-12-10 8:22 pm
I is on the left thats why I watch RT and NO American channels.
2015-12-10 7:05 pm
i mostly ignore both the MSM and Fox News. Don't think either is too big on truth, but Fox is less slanted, imho
2015-12-10 7:05 pm
i mostly ignore both the MSM and Fox News. Don't think either is too big on truth, but Fox is less slanted, imho
2015-12-10 7:04 pm
I trust the truth.
2015-12-10 7:04 pm
I trust the truth.
2015-12-10 7:08 pm
Sure mainstream media is all most americans have except for BBC unless you want commentary with all the news then there is Fox, MSNBC and CNN, a independent
2015-12-10 7:08 pm
Sure mainstream media is all most americans have except for BBC unless you want commentary with all the news then there is Fox, MSNBC and CNN, a independent
2015-12-16 3:26 pm
Most of the time yes - but I listen and read several sources. TV, internet, papers and radio.

I am convinced that the conservatives continue to embrace the MYTH of the liberal media BECAUSE they truely want JUST filtered Christian 700 Club type media and news. Their view is now so far twisted to the right that they no longer know where the center is.
2015-12-16 3:26 pm
Most of the time yes - but I listen and read several sources. TV, internet, papers and radio.

I am convinced that the conservatives continue to embrace the MYTH of the liberal media BECAUSE they truely want JUST filtered Christian 700 Club type media and news. Their view is now so far twisted to the right that they no longer know where the center is.
2015-12-16 12:50 pm
I don't trust the media, but I use it, cautiously. I don't know how to label myself, although I'm probably too educated for the Stupid Party.
2015-12-16 12:50 pm
I don't trust the media, but I use it, cautiously. I don't know how to label myself, although I'm probably too educated for the Stupid Party.
2015-12-15 7:12 am
I watch the main stream news but I often disagree with their points of view, so no I don't trust them. They're too manipulated by politicians and corporations. Independent news media isn't much better though because they tend to be so opinionated that you can barely decipher any facts at all.

I am conservative when I need to be and liberal when I need to be. It depends on the issue and its current situation.
2015-12-15 7:12 am
I watch the main stream news but I often disagree with their points of view, so no I don't trust them. They're too manipulated by politicians and corporations. Independent news media isn't much better though because they tend to be so opinionated that you can barely decipher any facts at all.

I am conservative when I need to be and liberal when I need to be. It depends on the issue and its current situation.
2015-12-11 5:32 pm
I trust only FACTS!
2015-12-11 5:32 pm
I trust only FACTS!
2015-12-15 2:33 pm
Mainstream media, trust it? NO WAY!
It's a dangerous joke, a political tool, to foster wars, wars, wars!
Don't waste my time where the outfit has been caught outright lying! No point!
BBC caught out not once but twice! Has had to apologize for portraying Israel as the victim!
Then it suppressed the report which didn't tally: it was US backed faction in Ukraine who downed the civilian plane!
It is supposed to be a state broadcaster, paid for by taxpayers who have no choice but to pay up!
Now the BBC is championing Cameron's unwanted by the civilians Syrian escapades! Since only 48% are for bombing Syria, then the rest must be for ISIS. Or at least that's what a desperate Cameron blabbed. Just like Bush Jr' "with us or" bilge!
2015-12-15 2:33 pm
Mainstream media, trust it? NO WAY!
It's a dangerous joke, a political tool, to foster wars, wars, wars!
Don't waste my time where the outfit has been caught outright lying! No point!
BBC caught out not once but twice! Has had to apologize for portraying Israel as the victim!
Then it suppressed the report which didn't tally: it was US backed faction in Ukraine who downed the civilian plane!
It is supposed to be a state broadcaster, paid for by taxpayers who have no choice but to pay up!
Now the BBC is championing Cameron's unwanted by the civilians Syrian escapades! Since only 48% are for bombing Syria, then the rest must be for ISIS. Or at least that's what a desperate Cameron blabbed. Just like Bush Jr' "with us or" bilge!
2015-12-11 5:41 pm
Yes I do.
2015-12-11 5:41 pm
Yes I do.
2015-12-11 3:15 am
No, it is only propaganda and opinions! I'm independent.
2015-12-11 3:15 am
No, it is only propaganda and opinions! I'm independent.
2015-12-11 8:22 pm
I am so far to the right of the Right that I make the Bush family look like bleeding heart Liberals. I am to the right of any Republican you could name. Trump comes the closest but I am still one click to the right of him. Where Trump would just "ask" them if they were Muslim and then send them back, I would make them eat a pork chop or go straight into internment.
2015-12-11 8:22 pm
I am so far to the right of the Right that I make the Bush family look like bleeding heart Liberals. I am to the right of any Republican you could name. Trump comes the closest but I am still one click to the right of him. Where Trump would just "ask" them if they were Muslim and then send them back, I would make them eat a pork chop or go straight into internment.
2015-12-22 3:57 pm
I trust some sources, and despise others. I consider myself liberal, but not leftist. Fox News is pretty much complete trash. I like Rachel Maddow.
2015-12-22 3:57 pm
I trust some sources, and despise others. I consider myself liberal, but not leftist. Fox News is pretty much complete trash. I like Rachel Maddow.
2015-12-19 8:09 pm
I am a conservative, The main stream media was to keep government and people honest but over the years it has gotten away from reporting things truthful and report what suite and helps them the best. Feoliocifoico
參考: Just listen to the media and just see how they have gotten away from their first objective to keep government honest.
2015-12-19 8:09 pm
I am a conservative, The main stream media was to keep government and people honest but over the years it has gotten away from reporting things truthful and report what suite and helps them the best. Feoliocifoico
參考: Just listen to the media and just see how they have gotten away from their first objective to keep government honest.
2015-12-19 5:29 pm
you can't trust anyone unless the person lives in some desert island and even then you couln't trust him
2015-12-19 5:29 pm
you can't trust anyone unless the person lives in some desert island and even then you couln't trust him
2015-12-19 4:46 pm
Most of the mainstream media outlets have been bought & largely silenced from dissent by their owners/board members/majority shareholders, so no,can't say I trust any single source, now it takes a lot more cross-referencing to begin to understand what's going on in the world.
2015-12-19 4:46 pm
Most of the mainstream media outlets have been bought & largely silenced from dissent by their owners/board members/majority shareholders, so no,can't say I trust any single source, now it takes a lot more cross-referencing to begin to understand what's going on in the world.
2015-12-18 7:29 pm
Nope. I don't trust it at all. I also hate Politics, I don't vote and I am not liberal or conservative.
2015-12-18 7:29 pm
Nope. I don't trust it at all. I also hate Politics, I don't vote and I am not liberal or conservative.
2015-12-18 5:41 pm
I don't trust any one news source. But, I do think most of the "main stream news media" do an honorable job.
2015-12-18 5:41 pm
I don't trust any one news source. But, I do think most of the "main stream news media" do an honorable job.
2015-12-18 6:13 am
I trust the slavestream news me-dia!
2015-12-18 6:13 am
I trust the slavestream news me-dia!
2015-12-17 11:46 am
I'm very wary of the media. They never give the full picture of any story(unless it is to their advantage)

I'm moderately left, if that matters.
2015-12-17 11:46 am
I'm very wary of the media. They never give the full picture of any story(unless it is to their advantage)

I'm moderately left, if that matters.
2015-12-17 4:12 am
I used to double check anything I see or her because so much can be edited or photos hoped. I also search with Google..
2015-12-17 4:12 am
I used to double check anything I see or her because so much can be edited or photos hoped. I also search with Google..
2015-12-16 5:41 pm
Tune into the media for "facts?" lol lol Unfortunately are main-stream media has become nothing better that tabloid journalists (and I use that word "journalists" very lightly). Most news sources are slanted to produce a "report" that bolsters their own, or their networks, political stance. So, no, I do not trust the main stream media. When I make the decision on who to vote for, it will be based upon my own research from many different sources. Those who cling to just one source are only out to hear what they want to hear...not often the truth of the matter.
2015-12-16 5:41 pm
Tune into the media for "facts?" lol lol Unfortunately are main-stream media has become nothing better that tabloid journalists (and I use that word "journalists" very lightly). Most news sources are slanted to produce a "report" that bolsters their own, or their networks, political stance. So, no, I do not trust the main stream media. When I make the decision on who to vote for, it will be based upon my own research from many different sources. Those who cling to just one source are only out to hear what they want to hear...not often the truth of the matter.
2015-12-16 5:29 pm
If you have ever seen a movie or been in court where the witness is sworn in and they say "do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth so help you God"? When the media starts telling the truth, the whole truth and not changing or omitting facts or worrying about being politically correct, that's when I will say their news broadcasting is creditable. I am neither, liberal or conservative. Let's get back to calling a fig--a-fig and a spade-a-spade.
2015-12-16 5:29 pm
If you have ever seen a movie or been in court where the witness is sworn in and they say "do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth so help you God"? When the media starts telling the truth, the whole truth and not changing or omitting facts or worrying about being politically correct, that's when I will say their news broadcasting is creditable. I am neither, liberal or conservative. Let's get back to calling a fig--a-fig and a spade-a-spade.
2015-12-16 12:41 pm
liberalism is a mental disorder!
2015-12-16 12:41 pm
liberalism is a mental disorder!
2015-12-15 8:42 pm
" I'm lib. I tune into the media for facts and frequently I get them. For example, when they broadcast the politician. I see and hear them say it, I believe they said it. " ever hear of things being taken out of context? LOL
2015-12-15 8:42 pm
" I'm lib. I tune into the media for facts and frequently I get them. For example, when they broadcast the politician. I see and hear them say it, I believe they said it. " ever hear of things being taken out of context? LOL
2015-12-14 6:06 pm
no, neither
2015-12-14 6:06 pm
no, neither
2015-12-13 9:50 am
I never know where I am going to till I get there>
2015-12-13 9:50 am
I never know where I am going to till I get there>
2015-12-12 7:42 am
middle of the road I guess
2015-12-12 7:42 am
middle of the road I guess
2015-12-14 6:07 pm
I pay very little attention to the news media and I take anything they report with a grain of salt. There are so many news stories and so little time for reporting each one that we do not get a balanced reporting of the facts. Most news stories are slanted one way or the other.
2015-12-14 6:07 pm
I pay very little attention to the news media and I take anything they report with a grain of salt. There are so many news stories and so little time for reporting each one that we do not get a balanced reporting of the facts. Most news stories are slanted one way or the other.
2015-12-14 7:17 am
The mainstream news media first and foremost are there to make money. I would trust none of them.
2015-12-14 7:17 am
The mainstream news media first and foremost are there to make money. I would trust none of them.

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