does a persons income and education IMPACT YOUR DATING AND SEX CHOICES?

2015-12-10 7:02 pm

回答 (176)

2015-12-11 2:30 am
I wouldn't really care much about income unless he is absolutely irresponsible. Of course, he should be able to take care of himself and not rely on his parents or anybody else to live. It's a big issue when a date doesn't have a car or has to bum a few dollars from friends to take you out.
Education is rather important. This is when you try to figure out if someone has potential to improve themselves and are marketable for jobs. Keep in mind they should also have some kind of intelligence to hold a conversation and have some common knowledge. So yes,both matters but I would say education has more weight IMO.
2015-12-11 3:56 am
People can say those things don't matter, but if you decide to marry someone and raise a family with the person, then you find out they really do matter. It doesn't matter so much if you're just casually dating someone, but it's important to actually marry someone from your own class level. I'm not trying to be snobbish, but many marriages fall apart because of arguments over money, religion, and beliefs over how children should be raised. If one partner can't respect and trust the other over those subjects, then the relationship will fail. As far as sex is concerned, if either partner has "a past", then the other partner has to be willing to ignore it and be thankful that they are the one chosen for marriage and they will be the last person to have sex with their partner. That's part of totally trusting someone. Jealousy is childish, and a person needs to be emotionally mature enough to not be threatened by their partner having a past or even having acquaintances of the other gender. Also, if one partner is an innocent as far as sex is concerned, the more experienced partner should be willing to gently lead the other along and teach what is most enjoyable for both of them.
2015-12-20 10:34 pm
I think yes, education and money matters a lot if someone is looking for a long term relationship or marriage. As far as sex is concerned, people are nasty about that. They cheat on each other all the time. Rare to find someone who won't cheat on you at some point, might even do it accidentally. While dating I think women are more independent now so they would look for someone who is on par with status and job or income.
The point still is, usually, if you need to hook up with a girl, just be confident, make her laugh and even support her. This works on stupid teen girls. Mature women would want a guy who is intelligent. It is a controversial answer but what I have seen so far, this is the truth.
Either be confident, crack jokes, bring out the wild side of a girl (will get you a stupid teen girl easily who doesn't know what she wants) or be incredibly intelligent, smart, a person who can do reasonable debate( which will get you a mature woman).
Level is up. The game is harder than ever
2015-12-13 9:31 am
In my opinion, i would say yes because for practical reasons I would choose someone who is capable of providing for me. I'm not saying that I'm a shallow person but seriously in reality if you want to live then of course, income and education is important. I'm not saying that a person need to a very high income and a PhD. Also, it's not the only thing that I am looking for in a person that I want to date. But to answer your question, it has a significant impact in my dating preference.
2015-12-18 5:15 pm
Income yes, but education no. Education, that is formal education, means nothing to me. I do care that a woman speak clearly and with an upper class English accent, and not make errors of either grammar or syntax. And I do want her to know generally about British history, the Royal Family, and be able to do the maths necessary for shopping and balancing her cheque book. But I do not value higher mathematics or chemistry or much else, and feel that most of formal education, at any rate, is a complete waste. But income is quite a different matter than education. Income is a practical matter of how much of the necessary one has to spend, and that matters very much. It may even be supreme, although I would not marry for money outside of the White Race or the Christian religion.
2015-12-20 3:11 pm
I really do not think sexual choices have anything to do with income or education.

A person's income can effect their dating choices. The person who thinks money will make them happy will date only those with money.

However, a educated person with money may want to hire someone for sex.
2015-12-15 6:52 pm
Yes it does. I want the person I'm dating to have an education that is at least similar to mine. Income matters too, but it is not everything. In other words, the guy doesn't have to be wealthy. However, he has to be able to support himself and a family. I don't date guys who still live with their parents and can't afford to have a place of their own much less a wife and family.
2015-12-22 9:06 pm
This definitely varies from person to person. I'm an engineer and make a considerable income. If i date a man, I would rather him make a considerable amount of money as well. Hard working people and high income often go hand in hand. I would not want to date someone who is lazy and takes all of my money. However, if this person has a good job he is passionate about and is hard working but doesn't make much money, like a business owner, thats alright too. I guess what I'm trying to get to is that the income itself isn't all that important. Its more about if the person is an honest hard working person. Hope i helped!
2015-12-18 10:12 pm
oh, this is an easy one. Income and Education never matter in dating, until it's You making the decisions to date someone. All your experiences and new choices come from all the classroom learning and street learning. Attractive articulate hard workin' ladies don't usually work the graveyard shift at burger king....or at least for very long. That means "that great guy" or "that great girl" is absolutely out there....simply in a different Apartment after finishing school or no longer at Gym she works out at Gym #3 in another zipcode.

Ask the question: How much of a time investment are you willing to make to meet at different group of people to possibly get a different result??
2015-12-18 10:04 pm
Of course!
Sex choices and relationships choices are different. If I was wanting sex, I wouldn't care how little/much money or what we talked about, just get your drawers off already!
That is a short-term answer to a specific question.
As far as relationships, I support myself and I expect a man to do that too. I wouldn't respect a guy who lived off his daddy's trust fund or who laid around pan-handling and selling weed.
I admire passion- like a painter- a carpenter- a lawyer or activist. I admire writers.
Even if I were dating a guy who just won 20 million dollars,I would expect him to use it and create, not just lay around drinking it away and buying me designer purses.
Education is not as important as a vocabulary and reading skill. I read a lot and write and am a passionate person. I have to be able to carry on a stimulating conversation and not be embarassed because he says -ain't or don't got or doesn't know where India is. Or is a racist.
I don't want to talk to someone who is so smart he derides me for being dumb.
I think IQ and education is hot. I think passion is hot. I think being capable is hot. Disdain and bragging are not.

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