What are things you didn't know you needed until you had them?

2015-12-10 6:15 pm

回答 (12)

2015-12-10 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A smartphone. I was late to the party.
2015-12-14 3:25 am
My kids
My son giving mommy a kiss ....love my babies
2015-12-22 7:22 pm
2015-12-22 7:19 pm
my smartphone
2015-12-19 10:10 pm
2015-12-15 4:12 am
a new car
2015-12-14 8:50 pm
Support for emotional issues
2015-12-11 8:11 pm
Hmm markers
If you choose best answer, leave comments
2015-12-10 7:41 pm
2015-12-10 6:28 pm
2015-12-10 6:23 pm
Not kids
2015-12-10 6:20 pm
the wheel....haha

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