trump vs hillary?

2015-12-10 6:13 pm
i support hillary because trump is an idiot, racist and will make people hate america more

回答 (34)

2015-12-10 6:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Both are liars, both steal, one is racist, the other has no balls.
Both are trash.
2015-12-11 1:30 am
I support Trump because Hillary is a liar AND an idiot!!!
2015-12-10 6:17 pm
i support Trump if that's the only choice because Hilliary sure looks like she's sold out to both foreigners and corporations
2015-12-10 6:14 pm
Hillary's reputation as a crook, a thief, and as a liar will fail her in the end.
2015-12-10 6:19 pm
Why do you support Hillary? We don't care what you think about Trump, but what reasons do you have for supporting a lying Marxist?
2015-12-11 6:47 pm
You support hillary cuz you are too stupid to support Trump and you are probably just another foolish, whining, blaming hater of Republicans as if Democrats ( including Hillary ) are any better ... especially Hillary who is one of the WORST PEOPLE on the planet , not just a bad, lying, uncaring... " Career Politician " in the race for money, power , control and to be the first female president ... nevermind that Hillary is one of the WORST HUMANS on the PLANET !
2015-12-19 3:57 am
Hilliary Clinton is not racist.

Donald Trump is racist.
2015-12-10 6:14 pm
Hillary would turn the USA into Puerto Rica.
2015-12-10 6:14 pm
I will not vote for either if it comes to it.
2016-10-18 12:08 am
2015-12-22 2:05 pm
According to statistical election models, it looks like a democrat has about a 14 percent chance of winning this election. This is based on the fact that a successor candidate (like Hillary) has a small chance of being elected and Obama's approval rate is not high. In the last 65 or more years, there was only one time when the party did not shift every 2 terms. This was when Carter served one term followed by 2 terms of Reagan and one term of Bush.
2015-12-22 8:21 am
Both are ID 10 T, but Hillary is a criminal.
2015-12-21 12:09 pm
Then, unless Trump runs as a third party candidate, it is likely we will have a republican president. According to statistical election models, it looks like a democrat has about a 14 percent chance of winning this election. This is based on the fact that a successor candidate (like Hillary) has a small chance of being elected and Obama's approval rate is not high. In the last 65 or more years, there was only one time when the party did not shift every 2 terms. This was when Carter served one term followed by 2 terms of Reagan and one term of Bush.
2015-12-21 6:22 am
Answer Questions Trump vs hillary
2015-12-21 2:56 am
Don't trust either..
2015-12-19 9:11 am
2015-12-18 7:23 am
I hate both of them
2015-12-17 7:29 pm
I'm pretty sure an idiot, racist didn't get people killed in Benghazi
2015-12-17 3:21 pm
Hillary cant be president. She will get us all killed and keep destroying America the same way Obama is destroying us.
2015-12-17 2:52 am
TRUMP WAS NOT CHOSEN and he knows it. He is not even going to be the republican nominee.
2015-12-14 3:17 am
Citations or Resources for your anti-Trump claims?
2015-12-10 6:33 pm
And Hillary uses unsecured cyberspace to communicate personal info as well as sensitive information. And vice-versa. Not to mention political strife that's unresolved. As it is, regardless whichever candidate is running, we are up crap creek in the sewer.
2015-12-10 6:28 pm
Hopefully it doesn't come down to that decision. I'd probably have to go third party.
2015-12-10 6:28 pm
Exactly which of the free Hilary stuff do u expect to cash in on?

Thats all she's runnin on. That and eliminating all yore "rights".
2015-12-10 6:26 pm
2015-12-10 6:18 pm
2015-12-10 6:16 pm
Now there is some intellectually deep thinking right there
2015-12-20 10:28 am
2015-12-19 12:49 pm
2015-12-14 1:01 pm
Rodham Clinton.
2015-12-10 8:06 pm
It is doubtful that Trump will become the republican candidate. Then, unless Trump runs as a third party candidate, it is likely we will have a republican president. According to statistical election models, it looks like a democrat has about a 14 percent chance of winning this election. This is based on the fact that a successor candidate (like Hillary) has a small chance of being elected and Obama's approval rate is not high. In the last 65 or more years, there was only one time when the party did not shift every 2 terms. This was when Carter served one term followed by 2 terms of Reagan and one term of Bush.
2015-12-10 6:15 pm
Hillaaary, Hillary *clap clap clap*
Hillaaary, Hillary *clap clap clap*
2015-12-10 6:15 pm
Ben Carson
2015-12-10 10:30 pm
First, why do people always use Clinton's first name and everyone else's last name.

Second, why are you so psychotically delusional and brainless that you THINK the primaries are OVER when they are NEXT YEAR?

Only the braindead think they KNOW who the nominees will be.

It's very unlikely it will be Trump.

It's unclear whether it will be Clinton. It might be the BEST possibility, Sanders.

Well, yes, no human supports Trump. But that doesn't magically make either him or Clinton the nominees.

Morons just INSIST that you know the future, even though every one of you has ALWAYS been WRONG in the past.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:40:33
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