You re opening a Star Wars themed restaurant. What s on the menu?

2015-12-10 6:04 pm

回答 (46)

2015-12-10 6:07 pm
Ham Solo Sandwich
2015-12-10 11:25 pm
Bantha sirloin topped with Sarlacc sauce.
Vader's venison.
Wampa burgers.
Lando's lasagna.
Palpatine's pizza.
Mon Calamari seafood combo platter.
Captain Solo chicken fingers.
Naboo stew.
Tatooine tacos.
Jabba's gumbo.
Jedi fries.
Coruscant croissants.
Skywalker salad.
Jawa juice.
Sith soda.
Mustafar margaritas.
Alderaanian apple pie.
Yoda yogurt.
Hoth hot chocolate cake.
2015-12-10 6:04 pm
Ewok Steaks.
2015-12-10 7:14 pm
A Vader Stake with Leah fries too.
2015-12-10 6:12 pm
princess leah's clam dip
2015-12-10 6:12 pm
Bantha burgers, wookiee waffles with Jedi jam, sarlacc salad with droid dressing, womp rat wine.
2015-12-18 3:49 pm
Jawa Juice, Blue Milk, Gungan Meat, Pear's that you Jedi can cut in two with the force.
2015-12-10 6:22 pm
The way I cook.....Pepto Bismol
2015-12-10 6:13 pm
Blueberries sprinkled with stardust..~*
2015-12-10 6:11 pm
tie fighter salad
2015-12-22 8:55 pm
Skywalker pizza
2015-12-22 7:21 pm
space shuttle food
2015-12-22 5:14 pm
Captain Solo chicken fingers.
Naboo stew.
Tatooine tacos.
Jabba's gumbo.
Jedi fries.
Coruscant croissants.
Skywalker salad.
2015-12-22 4:23 pm
x-wings (but like chicken wings)
chewbacca chip cookies or brownies or sometype of dessert
Obi Wan canollies
Darth Vadar vegetable soup
TonTon Won-tong soup
Pasta with Boba Fett-achini Alfredo sauce
2015-12-22 3:24 pm
2015-12-22 1:18 am
space shuttle food
2015-12-21 10:18 pm
space shuttle or I.S.S. food
2015-12-21 4:23 pm
ham berggur
2015-12-21 1:41 pm
Yoda Soda
2015-12-21 8:42 am
Stormtrooper urine
Boba Fett spit
At At pies
Wookie dung
Ewok nachos
Light Speed Vodka
2015-12-21 1:49 am
2015-12-20 6:58 pm
McDonalds and KFC.
2015-12-20 5:22 pm
Star WWIII Bucks Coffee
2015-12-20 7:50 am
what the astronauts eat on the ISS
2015-12-20 6:18 am
the same kind of food the astronauts on the space shuttle eat
2015-12-20 4:35 am
2015-12-18 5:36 pm
Leah fries
Yoda salad
Vader potatoes
2015-12-17 3:00 pm
Just Fast food and pizza manu
2015-12-17 11:54 am
2015-12-17 11:13 am
All chicken special items
2015-12-16 11:40 pm
Food that is out of this world!☺
2015-12-16 11:13 pm
Hot dog with Happy Meal Star Wars Toys
2015-12-15 11:09 pm
Wampa steaks with cheese
Corellian ale (which is in star wars :p)
Jawa juice
Gungan mess
2015-12-15 8:56 pm
2015-12-15 5:02 am
2015-12-15 4:13 am
burgers and fries
2015-12-14 6:25 pm
Darth wader chilly
Jabba waffles
2015-12-14 5:28 pm
Wookie tacos
Skywalker Fries
2015-12-12 8:21 pm
Use the sauce Luke.
2015-12-12 3:40 pm
calrissian coleslaw
skywalker stake
leah lunch special (burger with two buns)
deathstar by chocolate... or should that be the other way around?
2015-12-11 8:49 am
rice and curry
2015-12-10 6:25 pm
Wookie waffles
2015-12-10 6:23 pm
ton ton burgers - very smelly
2015-12-10 6:12 pm
yoda soda
greedo burritos
kowakian monkey lizard
salacious bread crumbs
2015-12-10 6:04 pm
Space rocks.
2015-12-12 11:28 am
Space chips

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