what do i do for my edd project?

2015-12-10 4:47 pm
should i just skip and attempt to finish all my work again. and stay up all night and kill myself i hate my life so much i just cant do this anymore.

回答 (5)

2015-12-12 5:07 am
Please don't kill yourself, I'm here to talk
2015-12-23 1:22 am
what's an edd project?
2015-12-21 7:47 am
why kill yourself no reason to ok..try this work another time when your concentration is better in the new year give yourself a break ok...
2015-12-15 6:22 am
don't know what EDD is. Don't get so flustered you can finish . Just don't over do it at onetime take breaks that equal the same time you work 3/ on 30 off. your brain goes on over load after a time and shuts down you arejust wasting time. Work 30 minutes then take A SHOWE MAKE YOUR BED DO A LOAD OF LAUNDRY BEFORE GOING BAK TO ANOTHER 30 WORK.
2015-12-13 4:16 pm
Please don't kill yourself. Missing out on one project isn't the end of the world.
2015-12-20 2:59 am
then dont

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