What do you really THINK before having sex with someone?

2015-12-10 4:46 pm
One of my male friends, says he always thinks "I could get her pregnant and be stuck with her FOREVER". That's how he keeps in in his pants. I thought most guys would think differently.

Condoms are NOT 100% effective. A son/daughter comes with a mother. Pregnancy is NOT a stepping stone to marriage even though some people think so!

回答 (9)

2015-12-11 2:27 pm
Your friend is wrong.He wouldn't be stuck with the girl necessarily.Making a baby is easier than falling in love.But he would be stuck with an 18 year child support bill,at the least. Me personally,I tend to think "this is really happening!" over and over in a loop.There is no other thought.
2015-12-10 4:47 pm
Sounds responsible of him.
2015-12-22 9:25 pm
"I wonder if she's into anal?" - not kidding, lots of nasty, dirty, degrading things cross my mind and that is just the top of the list!
2015-12-21 4:31 pm
Just use protection and you'll be fine
2015-12-18 9:43 am
I have great expectations : "Will I orgasm this time ?" ( It takes me forever to come )
2015-12-10 5:00 pm
Best saved for the wedding night...
'I could get her pregnant and be stuck with her FOREVER' - Pregnancy is not a substitute for marriage.
2015-12-10 4:58 pm
I hope I don't get pregnant! That's what I think before banging
2015-12-10 4:54 pm
I don't think like that because I always have safe sex
I don't think much it's more anticipation of how we will both feel
2015-12-10 4:55 pm

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