Will i be charged?

2015-12-10 4:38 pm
My ex from about 2 years ago helped me pay some bills when we were together. We were only together for about 9 months and during that time I couldn't work due to health reasons. So I used the rest of my money that I had for my bills. When I was out of money, my ex gave me money for my bills (couple car payments and couple months rent) the rest was for date nights (suppers and movies). Now I did tell him that he didn't have to and I was looking for easy side jobs as well, but he himself went to his bank got money and then handed it to me. Never once did he say I have to pay him back nor was anything legal signed by the two of us stating that I had to.

Now 2 years later his new gf has it in his head that I stole it and now he's harrassing me to give it all back. He's even messaged my mom about it. My current bf, my mom, friends and an ex rcmp officer have all told me that there is nothing my ex can do unless there is some legal paper signed by us stating I have to give it back, as it was his choice to help or not. My dad on the other hand has kicked me out of his life for this and said I could be taken to jail. Which one is right

1. If he was really serious, why wouldn't he have done this after we broke up. Waited this long and has been harrassing me for months but yet has not gone to cops yet.
2. it was his choice to help or not. I never asked him to and there is nothing legal signed. So the cops won't be able to do anything and just say it's a relationship problem.

回答 (6)

2015-12-10 4:45 pm
You will not be charged unless there is evidence to back up his allegations. Is there an ATM camera showing you holding a gun on him while he withdraws money? If not, don't worry about it.

Even if he loaned you the money, he will need to sue you to get it back. It is not a criminal matter that the police will get involved with.

Tell him and his new girlfriend to stop harassing you or you will call the police and complain about harassment.
2015-12-10 4:47 pm
You will not go to jail. He can sue you but would probably lose. Don't worry about this. Police do not get involved in this kind of dispute unless there is physical violence, so don't start anything.
2015-12-10 6:05 pm
there is no way he would ever win in a court of law without having a loan document drawn up at the time he gave you money and signed by both of you in front of a notary public. tell them both to pound sand
2015-12-10 4:42 pm
Sounds like you're in Canada, and I don't know Canadian law, but on US shows like Judge Judy, they always say that unless there's some proof of an agreement that you would pay it back, it was a gift, and the giver can't demand a gift back. Tell your ex to take you to court to get it or to shut up.
2015-12-10 5:58 pm
No you aren't going to be charged criminally. He may try to sue in civil court but I doubt it.
2015-12-10 7:54 pm
do you suck dick...can you suck a golfball through a garden hose.....gotta be some reason to pay 2 car payments and 2 months rent......you sound like the type of person who withholds sex if you don't get your way.....he said she said......your father has disowned you....what did you use the money for as you were out of work.........you lose in court

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