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Yes, however, other methods were also used in my induction. For me, I was first given Cervadil which is a prostaglandin drug that helps ripen and soften the cervix. After some time, when it only dilated me to 1 cm, I was given a membrane sweep. Some time later, my OB broke my waters (which was painless) and a couple hours later, I was given the transcervical Foley balloon dilation method (which HURT alot). By then I was dilated to 4 cm. Contractions began, but were far apart and not very strong. I was given Pitocin shortly after and contractions were getting closer together getting progressively and more stronger. At some point contractions were happening every minute and lasted about 10-15 second each time. Pain was getting unbearable and I was 5 cm. I finally requested for an epidural. The epidural was the best thing I did for my labor, as I was in such agonizing pain. I went from 5 cm to 10 cm in the matter of a few hours after I received the epidural. I think it helped speed up the labor process. I originally did not want an epidural as I wanted to be a toughie and stick it out, but I recommend the epidural. Take it if you feel you need it.
That was my first and only baby so I don't know for sure if the contractions were that strong on their own or if it was due to the Pitocin. Hope this helped!