ps2 or wii?

2015-12-10 2:07 pm
i want to buy one of these before my exams.which should i buy give reasons

回答 (19)

2015-12-10 2:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well personally I'd go with the PS2 mainly because nostalgia. I remember playing a bunch of games when I was young. But it also depends what kind of games you like. Are you of a shot em up guy or do you like to play platformers with friends? Either way The ps2 is the way to go some great games on the ps2 that I always used to play are, cars, ratchet and clank, the buzz games and Simpsons hit and run
2015-12-10 4:36 pm
why get it before your exams? wouldn't they be a distraction from keeping you studying to get good grades? just wait until after and get a ps2
2015-12-10 2:08 pm
2015-12-22 8:49 pm
Ps2. Ps2 is my personal favourite because it has an amazing range of games for everyone and runs better and is much easier to navigate round as it is very simple :)
參考: My experience
2015-12-21 8:10 pm
why not both
2015-12-20 10:45 pm
both are fine consoles, but I would suggest whichever is newest
2015-12-19 10:23 am
why dat you get a PS4? its much cheaper now
2015-12-19 9:29 am
It depends on what you want to do with them. Some people like to play video games on sophisticated gaming consoles like the PS black double and the wii but others enjoy consuming electronics which in that case i reccomend the wii. Thankyou
2015-12-18 7:44 am
nintendo has classic N64 games NES games and so on that u can buy off their store, ps2 is what u get if u want better games and grahpics, i had a ps2 but sold it, still have my wii and still play mario kart on it lol
2015-12-17 9:07 pm
Wii i think it's a better but maybe ps2 but i would go for the wii
2015-12-17 5:06 pm
Ps2, the library is a lot better and less expensive.
2015-12-16 3:29 am
2015-12-15 10:04 pm
Well to be honest they are both old consoles which trust me you want to get more modern consoles. I would suggest a wii u or ps4.
2015-12-13 7:14 pm
PS2 may be the world's best-selling gaming console, but it's hard to find games for it nowadays. Wii games can still be found without much trouble, but you can only do single-player and local multiplayer; can't play over Wi-Fi, due to the WiiU and 3DS. I'd say Wii, because its drawback is one that can at least be copped with.
2015-12-10 2:11 pm
wii hands down:)
2015-12-17 4:47 am
We know it is old. you will play nothing new and your friends won't like playing old games or they are into those games. wii is okay. they still making games on it, but it is random fun or not sometimes
2015-12-14 6:53 pm
2015-12-10 7:13 pm
There is zero reason to buy a Wii. Nintendo shut off the online servers for the Wii long ago and the Wii-U can do everything the Wii can - including playing regular Wii games - and more.

However the PS2 is still the better buy due to all the great games it has.
2015-12-10 4:44 pm
If you're a gamer get a PS2. It has tons of really good games and could get them cheap. If you're not into video games that much and want to play something easy and simple with friends and family get a Wii.
參考: Gamer for 20+ years and have both systems
2015-12-11 2:13 am

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