My teacher is publicly demonizing myself and a few other students for our non belief in a faith. Legal action?

2015-12-10 1:58 pm
In my US Government class my teacher is openly calling the athiest sand agnostics in our class "communists" and we re "hellhound" He also tells us what to believe or we all "burn eternally"

回答 (49)

2015-12-10 4:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Personal opinions is not what the teacher is paid to teach, they are paid to teach their subject, so collectively the ones that are affected by this teachers religious opinion about others and is voicing, you need to go and make a complaint to their boss/your Principle.
If a teacher is doing this in front of your peers then they are supporting and encouraging bullying in school...that needs stopping
2015-12-10 2:28 pm
Private faith based school, you can do nothing but complain. Public school, then report it to the principal and if she won't listen, report it to ACLU and the School Board for the city where you live. What the teacher did is against the law in a public school.
2015-12-11 6:13 pm
Oh for crying out loud! Put on your big boy/girl panties & stop giving this more attention than it deserves. Are you really so fragile that you're life will be ruined by 1 idiot teacher?Maybe if you stop talking about your religious beliefs or lack thereof, he will too. How does he even know what yours are if not from you? If you're so offended by his views, inappropriate or not, to the point of seeking legal action, why do you feel okay to espouse yours, which are obviously offensive to him?He absolutely shouldn't do this, if he even is, but your generation, the future of this nation, are the most emotionally stunted, spoiled beings to ever walk the earth. I hate to tell you this, but you will encounter far worse from your fellow human beings at some point. You can either learn how to handle problems in life or succumb to them. Or try to take money from the already impoverished schools (true motive?) Nobody owes you for your lack of self-esteem. Go count your participation trophies.
2015-12-12 12:07 am
Instead of complaining on Y!A, tell your parents. As a US Government teacher, his job isn't to preach religion. He needs to keep his beliefs to himself and let his students be entitled to their own beliefs. I think you and your parents need to go have a meeting with the principal and/or school board. Maybe if other students are upset like you are, they cos tell their parents and you could go as a group. If the school gets complaints about the same teacher, over the same nonsense from several different students/parents, they will have to do something. If this is a public school, religion is NOT a class that's taught. It is the teachers' jobs to provide a saf, comfortable learning environment for their students. They may not agree with a student's beliefs and the student may not agree with theirs. That's totally fine and to be expected - however, it shouldn't be a classroom debate. Religion drama doesn't belong in public schools. People are entitled to their own thoughts and beliefs.
2015-12-10 2:31 pm
If this is a public school that is a problem and your parents should take immediate action. If it is a private, non-religious school your parents need to talk to the administration. If it is a religious school your parents still need to talk to someone but it may be within the belief system of the school.
2015-12-21 3:09 am
More information is needed. If you are in the U.S. and you are in a public school and you are not in college then you need to get you parents involved, record the statements made by your teacher and make sure it is a full length recording that contains all comments from yourself and the teacher to demonstrate context. Edited recordings are not admissible as evidence because there is no context to determine if the statements were instigated. Contact the ACLU and discuss what legal recourse you have and which attorneys would be safe to represent you. Here in the U.S. there is a great deal of persecution of non-belief from oppressive christians. Your teacher is a threat to your character and to the character of the school you are attending - unless it is a private or christian school in which case - you're in the wrong school and barking up the wrong tree.
2015-12-10 11:40 pm
If the story that you're telling is true, you need to take legal action right away. This was also done in a supreme court case. You have the right to believe in your religion, and in school no one can tell you otherwise. Take action right away and get this problem sorted out, you're a free person and such a violation of those rights are untolerable!
2015-12-10 2:03 pm
2015-12-10 2:00 pm
Go to the principal or something like that.
2015-12-19 9:50 am
keep in mind that my response is based on the assumption that you are in the us, and are a student in a public high school.
1) there is supposed to be separation of church and state, so your teacher has no place to say anything about your personal beliefs. they have no right to punish you, make remarks about or towards you regarding your personal beliefs.
2) if you and your friends were having a casual discussion about beliefs, and the teacher was eavesdropping and basing their statements on what they heard, they're in the wrong; but if the teacher was somehow included in the discussion, casually, then they have the right to say what they please.
3) if this is at a public school, then my advice is simply keep religion out of it. freedom of religion doesn't mean everyone has to broadcast their personal beliefs every chance they get. it means you can believe whatever feels right to you, no one can dictate what you can think and feel. not even god can do that - if there is such a being, then he/she/it gave humans free will.
4) now if this is a private, religion-based school, then you really will be better off just not saying anything. you're not being oppressed by not saying anything. it's just a way of keeping the peace. could they sway you into believing as they do? no, most likely not. and there's a good chance they can't be swayed into thinking as you do. so if everyone knows these facts from the get-go, there's not much reason to bring up religion is there? if everyone still enjoys the company of the others but don't think the same, there's no reason to start a debate for the sake of arguing.
i went to private, christian-based schools most of my life, and put up with it. but i liked most of the people i had classes with, liked most of the teachers that taught my classes; but everyone around me (to my knowledge) was a christian of one sort or another, and i've never been a believer. i let most remarks slide past my ears, and just never brought up my beliefs. once in a while i'd be 'cornered' in some discussion, and i'd simply answer with the truth, "i don't know what i believe".
these days it seems people make it their business to make religion the focus in any discussion. the topic could be about politics, and they'll steer the chatter to gods, hell, etc. there are also those who feel that it's necessary to be certain everyone in the room is of the same belief, and will scream and plead with a person to believe as they do, when really it's none of their business what you believe in.
i've not always been successful at ignoring people's critical remarks (why do people feel they have to air their opinions on aspects of others that has nothing to do with them at all?), but i always used religious chats/discussions/debates as a good time to practice my ignoring skills. let them yada yada yada about ... and when the topic turns to something thats more everybody-oriented, thats when id jump back in.
never let the bastards get you down.
2015-12-10 2:06 pm
Slip him a note saying, Have you ever read Mathew 6, chapters 1 thru 6? If this is a public school, he is violating the law and needs to be reported. If it is a private school, tell your parents and school authorities. If nothing gets done, change school.
2015-12-10 1:59 pm
Yeah you can probably report that.
2015-12-18 4:06 am
What a stupid answer from Shelley.
No you probably shouldn't have to get legal with this matter but if the teacher is doing that in front of the class, then what's stopping the rest of the class? Anyone should be open to display their beliefs, you go to a public school not private. I would go to the principal and threat to sue the school because of that teacher so that teacher can get a reality check on not being a complete *** of a teacher. Excuse my language :)
2015-12-19 11:08 pm
Yes, humiliate him or her. I am shocked by the number of Christians who don't know Christ and who think they can bring other to him through insults and bullying. Pious hypocrites who are only interested in their own glory. Verily they have their reward. Such people relish their own anger and feast on their hypocritical indignation.
2015-12-19 4:01 am
You shouldn't be secular regardless.
2015-12-18 9:07 pm
I don't believe you, trolling. If so, maybe she or he used it as a reference from the literature if you were paying attention in class in the first place. I doesn't seem like she was directly spoke to you or the other students, how would she know what you are.
2015-12-11 3:05 pm
I would go to the principal (try to get the other students to come with you, too). Honestly, legal action just wouldn't be worth it in my opinion.
2015-12-10 3:24 pm
complain to teh principal - if its a public school, religion is not supposed to be discussed
2015-12-10 2:00 pm
are you in public or private school?
if its a private school there is nothing you can do.
2015-12-10 3:06 pm
Regardless if this is a public or religious private school you need to report this to the principle immediately. If, after that, it continues record the comments on a smart phone and, if it is bad enough, take it to the principle again and/or consider a law suit.
2015-12-10 2:02 pm
Sure liberal, legal action is your answer to everything!
2015-12-22 9:15 pm
Since the majority of countries around the world protect the right of freedom of religion or belief, it isn't a legal action. So what I'd say is kick 'im in the nuts.
2015-12-22 4:35 pm
We need to ensure the separation of church and state, so no legal action... I would suggest you TP the teachers house in some sort of religious theme.
2015-12-22 1:59 pm
Maybe if other students are upset like you are, they cos tell their parents and you could go as a group. If the school gets complaints about the same teacher, over the same nonsense from several different students/parents, they will have to do something. If this is a public school, religion is NOT a class that's taught. It is the teachers' jobs to provide a saf, comfortable learning environment for their students. They may not agree with a student's beliefs and the student may not agree with theirs. That's totally fine and to be expected - however, it shouldn't be a classroom debate. Religion drama doesn't belong in public schools. People are entitled to their own thoughts and beliefs.
2015-12-22 4:34 am
Pretty sure that's illegal
2015-12-22 12:20 am
Ask him what the 702(j) Retirement Plan is about and why did Ronald Reagan fail to explain this plan to all of the low income USA citizens. Ask him if it is better than a Roth IRA or 401(k) and what are all of the most important things that we students should know about these.

Have him explain how the USA economy will develop over the next 20 years.

Ask him why the Supreme Court said money has equal rights to people in politics.

This will keep him busy on true Government teaching, at least for a while.
2015-12-21 12:04 pm
He needs to keep his beliefs to himself and let his students be entitled to their own beliefs. I think you and your parents need to go have a meeting with the principal and/or school board. Maybe if other students are upset like you are, they cos tell their parents and you could go as a group. If the school gets complaints about the same teacher, over the same nonsense from several different students/parents, they will have to do something. If this is a public school, religion is NOT a class that's taught. It is the teachers' jobs to provide a saf, comfortable learning environment for their students. They may not agree with a student's beliefs and the student may not agree with theirs. That's totally fine and to be expected - however, it shouldn't be a classroom debate. Religion drama doesn't belong in public schools. People are entitled to their own thoughts and beliefs.
2015-12-21 4:55 am
religious institutions crave power over your personal decisions. always have. remember what you should have heard, "absolute power corrupts absolutely". remember the protestants revolt against the catholics. all about getting their share of power over individual freedom. and I mean your freedom.
2015-12-21 1:25 am
if it is a private college,, bail out & go elswehere,if they guy rants,paid by taxpayers,he oughta be canned
2015-12-20 6:40 pm
if talking to the principal don't work, then go the board of education
2015-12-19 9:19 pm
It depends...

Are you talking about a public school or a parochial school that your parents knew was run by a church organization (with the foreknowledge that church doctrine would be taught as part of the curriculum)?
2015-12-19 6:23 pm
Study the arguements of the great atheists on youtube, people like Christopher Hitchins, Richards Dawkins, Daniel Dennet, Sam Harris, James Randi, lawrence Krauss, Stephen Hawkin etc, When you become educated in the counter arguments to religion you will be able to argue with your ignorant teacher and totally annihilate him intellectually.
2015-12-19 8:56 am
It might be best to learn study the Bible to defend yourself against Bible Thumpers.
This teacher is coming from the angle of Pride which is a Sin.
The Law of Moses is written in stone so the law is hard as stone. Unforgiving.
The Law of Jesus is written on the heart of everyone. Jesus is Loving and Forgiving.
The goal of Christianity is to show unconditional love to inspire the world that it is the way to the Light.
2015-12-19 4:12 am
Report him. If thats a public school then that should not be accepted.
2015-12-18 12:54 pm
You can't let one teacher get you down. Have you tried a one on one simple conversation with the teacher? Explain to the teacher you no longer want to debate about religion. To agree to disagree. I believe in religion, but I wish not to push it on others. One of my biggest problems with Christians is that they have no problem using hypocrisy. I don't count them as the real deal though.

" I find your lack of faith disturbing."

~Lord Vader~
2015-12-18 5:25 am
He needs to be reported as it is against the law to give your personaal views in a public classroom.
2015-12-17 4:46 pm
tell him to watch ancient aliens on history channel and stick it in his chapter and verse
2015-12-17 8:53 am
Tell him it's attitudes like his that make people want to not be religious
2015-12-16 9:47 pm
yes, you can, but is it really worth taking legal action. As an atheist myself i have many people judge me, but i get over it. If it bothers you too much tell the principal.
2015-12-16 4:41 pm
Report your teacher to the principal.
NO teacher, teaching US government, should include religion.
2015-12-12 8:23 pm
Just like you voice your opinion, he/she also has the right to voice theirs.
2015-12-12 8:05 pm
Hire a lawyer
2015-12-10 3:03 pm
Well you should be reporting that.
2015-12-10 2:01 pm
Go report it to your principal, or the school board. They are the ones who need to take action, it is only if they do not intervene that you should recourse to the judicial system.
2015-12-15 3:02 pm
It's bullshi** they can talk about there ridiculous beliefs. But someone who doesn't believe in God is a heathen to them!!! Religion is like a penis it's perfectly fine for one to take pride and enjoy their penis but once you start waving it about in my face were gonna have a problem!!!
2015-12-10 3:11 pm
If you are an atheist, why does being called "hellbound" worry you.

You and the other hellhound communists in your class should sing this song for your teacher.
2015-12-10 2:03 pm
Wel, you can go ahead and burn her car or go to the headmaster or the police station or somewhere else, i suggest the second one, since i have experiences going to the principal of my school
2015-12-19 10:53 pm
Are you really so fragile that you're life will be ruined by 1 idiot teacher?Maybe if you stop talking about your religious beliefs or lack thereof, he will too. How does he even know what yours are if not from you? If you're so offended by his views, inappropriate or not, to the point of seeking legal action, why do you feel okay to espouse yours, which are obviously offensive to him?He absolutely shouldn't do this, if he even is, but your generation, the future of this nation, are the most emotionally stunted, spoiled beings to ever walk the earth. I hate to tell you this, but you will encounter far worse from your fellow human beings at some point. You can either learn how to handle problems in life or succumb to them. Or try to take money from the already impoverished schools (true motive?) Nobody owes you for your lack of self-esteem. Go count your participation trophies.
2015-12-16 11:41 pm
As a conservative, I don't approve of people trying to shove their personal opinions down the throats of students, whatever the belief may be.

On the other hand, there is so many atheist professors and teachers, like 90% of them are atheist, that all shovetheir beliefs down suit his throat and try to make the student feel stupid if they do not believe in natural evolution (that's not God guided)...,

So part of me is thinking "it's about time someone evens the scales a LITTLE bit".

Ps if you go running to an authority figure to snitch on him, you kind of prove his point about you being authoritarian sneaky little commies, don't you think?

Try TALKING to him.

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