Should I brush my dog's teeth with baking soda?

2015-12-10 10:36 am

回答 (24)

2015-12-19 10:13 pm
No. Buy Vet safe Toothpaste. I brush my cats teeth with C.E.T. Enzymatic Toothpaste.
2015-12-20 7:13 am
No,do not use baking soda because it may be dangerous for your dog. Talk to your local vet about it.
2015-12-22 9:25 pm
Please don't, your dog might shallow the baking soda, which is bad for their stomachs. Baking Soda is good for their teeth but he might shallow some. You need doggie toothpaste, which is safer for them to ingest. I recommend peanut butter flavor, he'll look forward to the cleaning.
2015-12-13 11:08 pm
Er...why baking soda? Just wondering.
We have a parsley bush in our garden, so I mix the parsley up with water and brush the dogs teeth with that so it smells better. But then again they just go and eat poo again so I wonder why I waste my time.
2015-12-11 12:26 pm
Do not do that. Talk to your local vet about how to best keep your dog's teeth healthy.
2015-12-10 12:25 pm
Don't do that. Talk to your local vet about how to best keep your dog's teeth healthy. There are some good treats out there to help with that. Greenies are good for helping their teeth.
2015-12-11 9:04 pm
Please don't. IF he does swallow some baking soda it causes very bad stomach cramps. Dad did it and poor dog was sick for a week. .
2015-12-16 9:51 pm
No well actually it's okay to brush your dogs teeth with baking soda but your dog might swallow it so don't.
2015-12-10 2:35 pm
No. Get toothpaste to brush your dogs teeth. Buy your dog some chewies and dental bones.
2015-12-12 5:42 am
Baking soda will clean the dogs teeth naturally.. Assuming you can prevent him from swallowing it.
Dogs teeth rot different from humans.

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