What dream invention that u would like to make real ?

2015-12-10 9:06 am

回答 (24)

2015-12-10 9:09 am
Teleportation with no bugs.
2015-12-17 9:42 am
2015-12-10 9:07 am
Cure for aging and all diseases.
2015-12-10 4:06 pm
Fastest internet in the world with 10 gbps per user and sell it for $50
2015-12-10 9:52 am
the female robots in Westworld that you can sleep with - well they have invented them, sort of, not as realistic though.
2015-12-10 9:22 am
Ironman suit for everyone
2015-12-10 9:11 am
light saber
2015-12-22 9:36 pm
be able to travel from USA to Australia in 30 minutes without spending more then $500
2015-12-21 11:00 pm
flying belts that will lets us fly around
2015-12-21 5:11 pm
to become a millionaire
2015-12-21 1:30 pm
Something to be injected on a corpse that would make it alive for a few minutes to tell who his killer is. It would make a big difference
2015-12-21 8:45 am
Playstation that can be played online.
2015-12-20 11:53 pm
A lightsaber...attachment for my penis.
2015-12-20 8:15 am
2015-12-20 6:47 am
flying in air
2015-12-17 3:17 pm
i dont know which invention but i know fantasy i want the elder wand the invisibility cloak from harry potter series
and the power of celestial spirit king,yukino,lucy,mirajane and zeref from fairy tail,those powers are enough for life
2015-12-16 11:43 pm
light saber
2015-12-15 9:21 pm
The light saber
The ray gun
Space ships
2015-12-15 4:53 pm
i wish to find a solution...what we see in sky..the stars very far we see them as they were millions of yrs ago...i wanna find something which makes u see what universe(total universe)as it is today...& also the Wormhole...i wanna study the concept of time...i pledge not to make time machine as that will be dangerous..but surely something awesome!also a study on dark matter & stuff!:)
2015-12-10 11:19 am
2015-12-10 9:41 am
Traveling 1000 times faster than light
2015-12-10 9:14 am
Everyone is saying light saber but lets be realistic. If there were light sabers there would also be a lot of people with missing limbs walking (hobbling) around. For me, completely automated vehicles/traffic.
2015-12-10 9:11 am
2015-12-10 9:08 am
Cloning or immortality

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