Should we ignore the Declaration of the Rights of Man because women are not included? Why or why not?

2015-12-10 6:27 am

回答 (9)

2015-12-11 7:29 pm
The Declaration of the Rights of Man (whatever that is), INCLUDES women. Use of the word "man" in this context refers to human beings, period.
2015-12-10 9:46 am
Well, you can.
It would match the rest of your education.
2015-12-10 6:55 am
Who's "we"? The US doesn't recognize those rights. It recognizes Natural (Individual) Rights.
2015-12-10 6:52 am
Man includes women. Men do not include women. THINK.
2015-12-10 6:39 am
The Word "Man" here- is simply a euphemism for Hu-MAN Kind. It should NOT be taken so Literally- as to Exclude fully HALF of the Hu-MAN Race... :)
參考: The "Rights of Man" -are the Rights of ALL.
2015-12-10 6:35 am
What, pray tell, is the Declaration of the Rights of Man? Is that some British Bulltripe? We do the whole Independence thing. Maybe you are confused?
2015-12-10 6:31 am
Right of man. Man is implied as the human race, mankind. Note it is called Rights of Man, NOT Rights of Men. So man, not men, means that they imply the entire human race, women included.
2015-12-10 6:29 am
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is the full title. I think that covers everyone.
2015-12-10 6:28 am
Ignore away.

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