What are your favorite dinner meals to eat in the winter?

2015-12-10 4:37 am

回答 (12)

2015-12-10 4:50 am
Lasagna,is one..its,delicious*..when I am in the mood to make it..which I have not been.~*
2015-12-10 4:38 am
Soup because it's cold;(
2015-12-20 8:58 am
Microwaved pizza
2015-12-17 12:38 am
Beef stew and roast pork with mashed potatoes and sour kraut and sausage.
2015-12-16 5:22 pm
Fast food like fish, pizza and chicken broast
2015-12-10 8:22 am
Meatloaf and potatoes.
2015-12-10 7:22 am
I eat what I normally do, stews and chili mostly for the main course. I eat out at restaurants less during the winter, and those two things are just terribly easy to make, so I make them more often during that season. I do eat out for holiday meals sometimes if I'm with friends and/or family, though. Then, it could be anything. If cooking during the holidays it turns into a potluck where everyone brings their own creation to share. It's fun.
2015-12-10 6:19 am
meat and potatoes and a veggie.
2015-12-10 4:49 am
Microwaved burritos
2015-12-10 4:46 am
Chili, soup, pizza, chili dogs, hot dogs, meat loaf, etc.
2015-12-10 4:39 am
Chili, Taco Soup
2015-12-10 4:38 am
pizza, lasagna, alfredo pasta

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