Looking for Aspergers diagnosis and coping help?

2015-12-09 11:57 pm
I'm 20 year old woman who has been struggling to cope with the stress in life. I feel I can't handle things that other people can easily do. My mom suggested I have AS a few years ago , we read through lists and personality traits and it seems spot on . Now as I'm getting older I'm trying to keep a job and am struggling. The stress of people relying upon me and not having control over what I do each day drove me to a relapse in self harm. I think work is not the right choice for me so I'm looking into getting diagnosed with AS maybe they can help me learn to work better. Any one know how to find details.

回答 (1)

2015-12-10 5:24 pm
I would start by going to your family doctor for a checkup. Let them know how you are feeling and make sure you tell them you are self-harming again. They can evaluate your condition and make a recommendation for treatment. They can refer you to the appropriate mental health professional that can help you.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:39:05
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