What do you think about Guns N' Roses?

2015-12-09 10:15 pm
Do you like them or did you only like the original line-up? What do you think about the way they've all turned out? Would you go to their reunion if the rumours were true? Lastly, do you still listen to the "new" G N' R now?

回答 (13)

2015-12-09 11:01 pm
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Legendary hard rock band, in their heyday they were one of my absolute favorites. I preferred the original lineup, but they were worthwhile until Izzy left (after the two "UYI" albums). I even liked The Spaghetti Incident, as long as you take it for what it was (an album with no original songs).

I think Velvet Revolver was great; I am a big fan of Slash's solo work, and his albums with Myles Kennedy. I think Duff McKagan is an awesome hard rock bassist. I always though Izzy was the songwriting genius in the group (they never, ever wrote a decent original song after he left) and I enjoy Izzy's solo work. He has steadily been putting out solid albums, which can be purchased on iTunes.

I thought Chinese Democracy was sub-par; I tired of it very quickly. I have no interest in seeing Axl's incarnation of "Guns n Roses" and I won't buy another album if they ever put one out. Axl's track record now is to put out a new album every 14 years, so we've still got another 7 years or so to wait anyway.
2015-12-09 10:20 pm
They suck. Only their first album was good and even the songs from that album have been ridiculously overplayed.

I think all members of the initial lineup except for Axl Rose have done pretty well for themselves. Slash, Duff, Izzy, and Steven have all led successful and active music careers while Axl Rose remains with his burnt out incarnation of GnR, touring the same overplayed songs they've been playing for years and not putting out any new music.
2015-12-09 10:58 pm
Love them. I would go to the tour if it was the original members
2015-12-09 10:17 pm
When they were first around, yes. I was really young when they broke out, but I still listen to Appetite for Destruction.
2015-12-09 11:54 pm
First lineup was best. After Alder left they were okay until the breakup... but after that, I couldn't care less. I loved Velvet Revolver and Slash... but never paid attention to the 'Gun's N Replacement's' or whatever incarnation Axl had after that. I don't see a reunion happening... and even if it does.. chances are Axl will throw a temper tantrum and cancel it.
2015-12-10 2:37 am
I like the original band.The current GnR is not worth seeing.If the original band got back together,withn Matt Sorum on drums,I MIGHT go see them.But that might be just to throw something at Axl.
2015-12-09 10:30 pm
I like their older music, but I'm not too fond of "Chinese Democracy."
2015-12-09 10:30 pm
The line ups until 1994 is what it counts. They together made one of the greatest bands evah. Solo they are just like "interesting". Nothing to go gaga about. Reunion would work only if Slash is in a good working condition. No I do not listen to new lineup.
2015-12-15 3:10 pm
Hated them from day one. I find Axl to be one of the worst vocalist in the history of rock and roll. I do like Slash, but hate GnR.
2015-12-15 3:09 am
I hate that band.
2015-12-14 2:00 am
I don't like them. People say they are one of the best rock bands of all-time, but they have only had 6 albums, one of which is entirely covers and another only has 6 original songs. Although the 2 UYI albums are enough to be 3 albums. Anywho, their debut album is the only one worth mentioning Imo, and even that is just okay, wildly overrated for sure. They have had little to no impact on music, yet everybody acts like they were revolutionary. Slash is average, yet he is compared to guitarists who are by far better, such as Eddie Van Halen. I also don't like Axl's voice in most of their songs. And their covers of Sympathy For The Devil and Live And Let Die are nowhere near as good as the originals.
2015-12-10 1:15 am
Yes l like them I have seen both old a new lineups. Many times and this is what gets me. Slash and Rose open up lines of communication after almost two decades and everyone is talking about a reunion tour. One if its going to happen it wont be until at least the middle of next year and if its going to be the original lineup whose replacing Alder? Someone has to either convince him with the greatest reasons ever or find someone else. If they find someone else than its not the original lineup. Regardless of what happens its GnR in my book as long as whoever is in the band can both play the songs as well as have a positive attitude towards the band. It would take a lot for the original lineup to get back together. Just because two members one former are talking it does not mean anything. They could be swapping recipes for all we know. What happened with the original lineup of the band was epic for the industry. A lot happened to create the divide. Its just not msgically going to change.
2015-12-24 3:54 am
Roses are pretty and they smell good, Guns are dangerous and they kill people

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