How many books have you read this year?

2015-12-09 6:28 pm
I'm at only 13 (about to start number 14) for this year. Been a really weird and screwed up year for me so I haven't been reading as much as I usually do. Much of my reading has included online articles, blog posts from friends and the occasional newspaper.

How many have you read this year? Ballpark estimate if you don't know exact number.

BQ: What do you use to keep track of the books you've read, if anything? I use Goodreads to log the books I've read.

回答 (56)

2015-12-09 9:49 pm
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Like you, I use Goodreads to log each book I read so I can keep track of them all.
2015-12-09 6:30 pm
2015-12-09 11:02 pm
187. My goodness goal was 150.
2015-12-09 7:37 pm
2015-12-16 11:20 pm
Well during the summer alone I can read up to about mabye 120? But during school and cheer I can't read as often as I can. So it's Dec 18 and I an currently ready another book and can hopefully fit in one more before the years over. But my total is 189 not including the current one or the next one and to be honest I write then all down in my phone. .. ????
2015-12-16 1:25 am
I read 4-8 books a month (but a lot of reading I do is online novels on Wattpad). So ~90-100 books.
2015-12-13 1:54 am
I read 2 to 4 books a week at least, more or less depending on the pages. I would say I ve read anywhere from 60 to 90 books.
2015-12-09 11:15 pm
41. Goal is 50 but im running out of time O.O I use Notes on my ipad to log the books
2015-12-09 10:48 pm
About 100.
2015-12-09 8:49 pm
I must have read between 25 and 30. I don't track them at all
2015-12-09 8:08 pm

Non fictions: Inside Delta Force - Eric Haney; 13 Hours (Benghazi attack 2012) - Mitchell Zuckoff; Black Hawk Down - Mark Bowden

Fiction: Traitor - Murray Mcdonald

If you read a lot, consider getting an e-reader device. maybe put one on your holiday wish list if your family exchanges gifts. i have an Amazon paperwhite kindle. it's around $100 right now and it's an easy way to read books. and often times, books are cheaper digitally then they are paperback or hard cover.
2015-12-09 7:28 pm
2015-12-09 6:34 pm
over the past year, around 30 books.

most of them, i add to goodreads and my fb page
2015-12-09 6:30 pm
Only Harry Potter !!!!! AHAHAH I love it!!
2015-12-22 11:10 pm
63. I got em saved on a website so I remember
2015-12-22 5:44 pm
48 :)
2015-12-22 5:27 am
70 so far, but the year isn't over!!! xD And to be fair, some of them were pretty short hahah
2015-12-22 1:20 am
2015-12-21 4:08 am
about 10 actual books and a whole lot of fanfiction. lol
2015-12-21 2:43 am
2015-12-20 4:14 pm
I go the library a lot. I've read probably 40 or so.
2015-12-19 8:09 pm
Since I teach college literature and read avidly, I would predict anywhere in the vicinity of 100-125.
2015-12-19 4:25 am
2015-12-19 12:08 am
Around 40. I have a reading journal so that's how i keep track :)
2015-12-18 11:02 pm
Honestly, so much that I don't even know...
2015-12-18 8:37 am
60 all are engineering book no story or other... only computer base and mathematical book
2015-12-18 3:36 am
A big box full I was given a bunch and I have plowed through them.
2015-12-17 11:56 am
about 20
2015-12-17 5:12 am
2015-12-17 4:28 am
Cover to cover?


I've only done that like a half-dozen times in my 34 years of life.

I'm just not good at finishing what I've started.
2015-12-16 6:56 pm
I don't know can we count wattpad fictions?
2015-12-15 4:23 pm
I've read a lot this year and I really couldn't tell you how many books I've read.
2015-12-15 4:05 am
Last month I read I think three. Not sure for the whole year.
2015-12-14 9:14 pm
Ballpark: Over 100... 150?
I read a lot during the summer, but I slow down during school. 150 sounds about right.
2015-12-14 11:38 am
2015-12-13 10:02 pm
I've read loads of books, big and small so idk.
2015-12-13 7:17 pm
I also use goodreads. I've read 50 books this year. I'm 16. I'd like to do more, but I already read one book every week.
2015-12-13 12:36 pm
So far, I have read 16 books for fun (I don't count the non-fiction textbooks I have to read for school). Once exams are done next week, I hope to read one or two more books before the year ends to bring my grand total for the year up to 18. This number is down from last year and the year before; however, the number of books I read in a year does not matter too much to me. I am just happy to be reading great books that I really enjoy.
2015-12-13 12:21 pm
I've read more then 10 books this year. I would of liked to read more but books are so expensive and I don't have a lot of money saved up. I recently did get the ''Twilight'' books for real cheap, ($10) on Gumtree.

I always try to look for good deals online before I resort to going into them overpriced bookstores.
2015-12-13 5:47 am
34 and about 1/4
2015-12-13 3:49 am
probably 10-15.
2015-12-12 10:52 pm
woow i think about 70? it was a year off so i had lots of free time hahah :D
2015-12-12 5:26 pm
I've read 44! And I also use goodreads :)
2015-12-11 6:49 pm
About 40 or so...
2015-12-11 4:15 pm
2015-12-11 10:44 am
about 30
2015-12-11 3:30 am
I estimate 18 books.
2015-12-10 6:33 pm
i think it is about 40 or 50 books.
2015-12-10 4:04 pm
I read so many that I can't count. Usually I read a book in a day. Though would love to know more authors to check out :)
2015-12-10 9:15 am
I don't think I can say I have read a whole book for a very long time because I don't like endings. Of course, some endings and well written, but I like to make it myself in stead of having everything happy and cliche.
But I had read at least 15 books (except the 5 last chapters).
Is it only me who have this 'problem' with endings?
2015-12-10 3:55 am
5 books so far.
2015-12-10 3:34 am
I don't keep track. I'd say 8 or so. A lot of classics like Heart of Darkness, Brave New World, Things Fall Apart, Ceremony. Those were for a class but hey, I still read. I have a lot of half finished books right now though.
2015-12-10 12:51 am
26. My goal was 100. I have no idea what happened this year. I suck lol
2015-12-09 7:06 pm
Well I don't keep count but I read anything from 5 books a week which I work out to be around 250
2015-12-09 6:36 pm
Nine. History texts, technical manuals and related articles.
2015-12-15 3:14 am
Like...fanfiction wise books? Because with that, then about 40 since I help people edit theirs.
But normal books...about 10-ish?
2015-12-09 9:38 pm
Unfortunately I've been falling far behind my book-list, finding it harder and harder to summon up the time/motivation to sit down with a good book, especially with so much going on in the world dragging my attention to the news/global affairs, absorbing all my reading time.

I've only read three books this year: Heart of Darkness, which was an excellent classic, Carnival by Rawi Hage, a fantastic writer out of Montreal who focuses on the experience of Middle-Eastern immigrants to the west, and The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, an excellent but highly depressing book (especially if you know Plath's story/fate), which I've yet to find the gumption to finish. A piss-poor year in reading, surely!

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