Who is the man in the KFC Logo?

2015-12-09 5:16 pm

回答 (24)

2015-12-09 6:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Colonel Harland Sanders. Kentucky Colonel, deceased.
2015-12-21 9:13 pm
Col. Sanders
2015-12-19 4:20 pm
Harland Sanders
2015-12-18 3:45 pm
Sanders identified the potential of the restaurant franchising concept, and the first "Kentucky Fried Chicken" franchise opened in Utah in 1952.
2015-12-15 7:46 pm
Kernel sanders
2015-12-14 3:05 am
Mr. Sanders.
2015-12-09 8:05 pm
Colonal Sanders
2015-12-09 6:03 pm
Colonial Sanders
2015-12-09 5:19 pm
Colonel Sanders
2015-12-09 5:17 pm
Harlan Sanders, whose recipe was the basis with its 11 herbs and spices. And lots of grease.

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