when I work out my arms it only tones have I not finished puberty that's why I cant get muscle?

2015-12-09 2:39 pm

回答 (1)

2015-12-09 2:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It has to do largely with genetics. Some people burn off weight quickly and tone muscle easily but can't keep muscle mass very high, while others burn of weight slowly and may not be toned up, but they will build up muscle tissue easily.

The only thing you can do differently now is to change up your routine. You need to determine what your maximum lifting weight is, and then just do a few sets of repetitions of lifts at a weight that is just under your maximum (80% to 90% of your maximum). This will build muscle faster. If you do tons of repetitions at a lower weight (40% to 60% of your maximum) it will tone your muscles quickly, but not build them as much.
2015-12-09 4:14 pm
To gain muscle mass, you have to eat a large excess of calories.

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