Is Hope good or bad?

2015-12-09 2:15 am

回答 (307)

2015-12-10 10:08 pm
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I get it. We hope for something, and it doesn't come to pass, so we blame our foolish hoping and say hope is bad. It seems that hope is only good if things go our way. But I see he feeling of hope as something very positive. Every positive person hopes for things whether they come true or not. Hope is always looking at the bright side of the future. A logical person will also hope for things, but then take action to make sure that hope comes true. I look at hope as much more than just wishful thinking. I remember the Bible saying that there are three things God gave us; Faith, Hope, and Love.
2015-12-09 8:41 pm
Hope is bad. Hope is good. When I want something which I may possibly never get then it's cruel. It's like having that one person that always leads you on, but what you get is disappointment. Even so, at least when you were being led on you felt as if things would be possible, so you could experience a tiny happiness just in that time. Hope is good for the bad days, even when the hope ended you coming to a bad day.
2015-12-09 5:55 pm
Hope can initially give someone the motivation to strive for a certain goal or objective. However hope in a different view. For example, "I hope I win the lottery". This kind of hope; if you can call it that, can be quite a disappointment and in relation lowers your motivation because you re constantly relying on hope to achieve or bring happiness. I m no expert but that s how I perceive hope . But overall hope can be a good thing or negative thing, but saying hope is bad simply means that you re believing or relying on something that is wrong, like you re a bad person for using hope , but that s not the case. Hope is not a bad thing, but using hope to bring fortune or other can be a negative influence.
2015-12-10 2:59 pm
Neither good nor bad since good and bad are an illness of the mind. Hope is an anticipation or expectation of something wanted or needed. You can hope for positive things or negative things to happen because hope is NOT always about what the individual wants or needs but what they want for others as well. An example would be like hoping you don't have to talk to someone you don't like even though you know they clearly go out of their way and look forward to being with you. That is wanting or wishing as in hoping for a negative consequence.
I know when BObama promised hope and change the only thing I thought was I hope I have a little change left when he leaves office because after 8 years of Clinton incompetence, 8 years of Bush incompetence and now 8 years of Obama incompetence I most likely only have 4 to 8 insufferable years of more Clinton to dread. In a nation where people are actually hoping the economy collapses just so we can get some real change. The state of hope is truly dire but I hope that at least my christmas oranges are ripe.
2015-12-10 5:17 am
It's all depends in the context of the situation and the type of person you are. If you're a person facing a terminal illness then by all means logically speaking hope is bad because it is giving a person false hope. On other hand, hope is spiritually a good thing because it might make this person "pass" with a positive attitude. It depends on the type of person because not everyone has the strength to have "pure" hope. Just like I described the person above dying from a terminal illness, what if he believed in god? He had hope that god would cure him and this man prayed day and night for salvation but received none. It is a possibility that the hope he had for a miracle might turn him bitter and against his own beliefs. He might curse god and curse the world for not rewarding his hope in such a grim situation. Thus, the thing that was supposed to help this man forget about his worries in turn slowly decayed his faith and rotted whatever positive view he had of the world
2015-12-09 10:57 am
Is "HOPE" good or Bad ? NEITHER its not a thing OR A object its a self eliciting emotion an expression of thought of desires

The extremes of " all or nothing " AKA Black and white thinking the idea that something can ONLY be one extreme or the other is a cardinal sign of Narcissistic style thinking as if there are no degrees in between

Take a thermometer its a Scale of measurement say Zero to 150 degrees what point is it Cold or Hot the middle point would be 75 degrees its comfortable "Warm "

who or what is the DETERMINANT who makes that judgement . so its an individual judgement or evaluation
HOPE defined as an EMOTION a feeling of Expectation and DESIRES for "A" certain thing to happen .

How does one achieve change ? By human actions ... One can sit motionless and have all the hope they can self Elicit and nothing will change

. Hope is an emotion an expression of thoughts that are Desires . Just thinking them does nothing to achieve them .
Its like prayer you can express your desires in words But its always humans who may hear of your need s or desires that come to your aide to assist you to acquire them in a disaster its your neighbors community EMS Red Cross who help you pick up the pieces that is the reality many times you will hear those we attribute the change to a god . reality it was a human yes some will rationalize but god made humans so all the work humans do must be from god

ok Really how is that rational only if you negate god responsibility for that man that just Mugged you Back to black and white thinking then all of a sudden Satan took over he responsibility Isn't god ALL powerful how did Satan over power god if god is all powerful ? LOL Thank you for the question
2015-12-10 7:21 am
Hope is bad. Hope is good. When I want something which I may possibly never get then it's cruel. It's like having that one person that always leads you on, but what you get is disappointment. Even so, at least when you were being led on you felt as if things would be possible, so you could experience a tiny happiness just in that time. Hope is good for the bad days, even when the hope ended you coming to a bad day.
2015-12-11 3:41 pm
If you're a person facing a terminal illness then by all means logically speaking hope is bad because it is giving a person false hope. On other hand, hope is spiritually a good thing because it might make this person "pass" with a positive attitude. It depends on the type of person because not everyone has the strength to have "pure" hope. Just like I described the person above dying from a terminal illness, what if he believed in god? He had hope that god would cure him and this man prayed day and night for salvation but received none. It is a possibility that the hope he had for a miracle might turn him bitter and against his own beliefs. He might curse god and curse the world for not rewarding his hope in such a grim situation. Thus, the thing that was supposed to help this man forget about his worries in turn slowly decayed his faith and rotted whatever positive view he had of the world
2015-12-10 11:27 am
Hope is bad. Hope is good. When I want something which I may possibly never get then it's cruel. It's like having that one person that always leads you on, but what you get is disappointment. Even so, at least when you were being led on you felt as if things would be possible, so you could experience a tiny happiness just in that time. Hope is good for the bad days, even when the hope ended you coming to a bad day.
2015-12-20 7:26 am
How can hoping I win the lottery be bad. One of my favorite questions when driving a bus was to get the passengers telling me what they would do with the money if they won. It is hope that makes the world a better place. It is just fun to imagine what I would do with millions. Do I expect to win the lottery? No, I know the odds but its fun to hope. It's making me smile just thinking about it. I had one person tell me what can you do with all that's just too much to spend. My answer was that some people buy a house with it. I think the lottery was 12 million that week. Wouldn't that be fun. I've decided if I win, Im going to make my life more pleasant certainly but Im going to give it pretty much all away. Now I bet there are people out there hoping I win too.

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