So you guys think Lemmy Kilmister will keep rocking with us on Earth for how long?

2015-12-08 7:59 pm
His health haven't been good lately...

回答 (3)

2015-12-08 8:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He's been drinking, smoking,.and doing drugs for so long and so consistently that it's odd he's first having noticeable health problems at 69. I'd say the moment he retires for good is when he'll take a sharp downward spiral -- simply doing the thing you love can be enough to keep you going.
2015-12-08 8:08 pm
Knowing him its going to take a lot to stop him from doing what he loves. A really big health scare may slow him down for a while, but it won't completely stop him. Until hes six feet under that's when he will stop.
2016-01-14 3:48 am
"So for how long do you guys think Lemmy Kilmister will keep rocking with us?"
"His health hasn't been good lately"
presta atenção na ordem da pergunta e no verbo to have
ou só fala português carai

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