Can i get my ex arrested for filming us doing...? PLEASE help?
We weren t having sex in the video but he took a video of me laying down with his penis in between my breasts without me knowing. I was 14 at the time and he was too. I dont want to get into detail about anything BUT i am so upset i cried every night this week and people found out and some watched it : ( what can i do to get him n a lot of trouble? Cant it be considered as child pornography?
回答 (9)
Yes he'll be arrested for creating child pornography and distributing it as well.
How's the soup at the truck stop, Bob?
Call the police ...its a child pornograpghy.... He will be in lot of trouble...... Just pick up your and call police right now..... Now or never!!!!!!!!
All the best
It is child pornography even if he is also a child and anyone who watched it can be charged.
參考: A detective told me that when I was involved in a child luring case
that video IS child pornography - if your were 14. just him possessing it is ILLEGAL - you could call the police
Yes, it most likely is. Tell him to delete it immediately or you will go to the police.
Police if you can't get it in hand by yourself, but please do realize the consequences he'll get :/ not sympathizing with him, but really, try to find another solution under the threat of police maybe
Tell your parents about this right away. They will know what to do next.
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:14:50
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