Which sentence is an example of standard English with no slang or use of vernacular?

2015-12-08 6:25 pm
A) mountain biking is totally fun
B) mountain biking is one of the coolest sports out there
C) mountain biking is a popular, exciting sport and hobby for many biking enthusiasts
D) mountain biking is a total adrenaline rush for all those who like to hang out and ride their bikes together

Please help. I've spent forever deciding on the anser

回答 (2)

2015-12-08 7:15 pm
C is the only example with no slang or vernacular. That shouldn't take forever to settle unless you're unsure of the meaning of "vernacular."
2015-12-09 8:54 am
c is correct
totally fun is a slang phrase
Coolest is slang
Hanging out is slang for being together.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:36:54
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