is there a "pure" intellect?

2015-12-08 4:04 pm
i have been thinking about how every concept is explained using relative terms and analogies which only work if depended conditions are met for a certain time. im kindof making a contradictory question but it makes no sense. i live a life of confusion. think about how illogical and contradictory the analogies become if you expand them further.

its kinda like life. in how being on the right track or being in the right place at the right time will make life meaningful i think it is interesting that the more analogies you use, the less logical your views are now im rambling and using analogies. dope

回答 (1)

2015-12-08 4:55 pm
"Pure intellect" is an exaggerated expression that simply describes something with more passion

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:36:02
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