What is real man?

2015-12-08 3:08 pm

回答 (6)

2015-12-08 3:10 pm
An adult male person, as opposed to a female or a juvenile male?
2015-12-08 3:32 pm
Probably me
2015-12-08 4:42 pm
What is real man?

~~~ Everything!

What is real man?

~~ Dis! *__-
2015-12-08 4:11 pm
One who has taken victory over its mind. Mind is responsible for demanding sex, anger, greed, attachment and vanity or ego. One who has put control over all these weaknesses is a real man.
2015-12-08 3:51 pm
One who protects and cares for his women and children.
2015-12-08 3:11 pm
Jesus is True God and True Man. He is the greatest Man who has ever lived, and who ever lived. His mother Mary is a creature, who is the New Eve and the greatest woman who has ever lived, and who ever will live. Jesus is the New Adam.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:10:29
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