What is real Man?

2015-12-08 3:05 pm

回答 (4)

2015-12-08 3:06 pm
A biologically male human with XY chromosomes
2015-12-08 9:13 pm
One that has that thingie hanging down.
2015-12-08 4:01 pm
I cannot define a real per se but here are my criteria:

He values his relationships with people who matter to him. He cherishes his brothers, his mother ,father and siblings, his wife , his sons and daughters.

He clings to them and protects them.

He faces adversity as a challenge . He fights to win but sometimes must accept defeat.

He works and provides. .

He has structure to his life.

He learns from his experiences, both good and bad.

He teaches others what he has learned.

He is strong in body mind and spirit.
2015-12-08 3:12 pm
Jesus is True God and True Man. He is the greatest Man who has ever lived, and who ever lived. His mother Mary is a creature, who is the New Eve and the greatest woman who has ever lived, and who ever will live. Jesus is the New Adam.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:07:48
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