Help with this calculus question?

2015-12-08 4:39 am
The supply and demand for the sale of television sets by an electronics company are given by

S(p) = ln p and D(p) = ln 183,000 / p

where S(p) = the number of television sets that the company is willing to sell at $p and D(p) = the quantity that the public is willing to buy at $p. Find the equilibrium point.

回答 (1)

2015-12-08 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Equilibrium point means the company would sell as many as customer would buy at price p.

So equate supply and demand:
p=sqrt(183000) = 427.785 (approx.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:07:38
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