When do you show?

2015-12-07 9:19 pm
I found out that I am exactly 7 weeks pregnant. I have most symptoms (tender breasts, nausea, diarrhea, missed period etc). Was confirmed today, and we are so incredibly excited!! I'm just wondering, when do you start showing in pregnancy or does it depend on each woman and each pregnancy? Some days it looks like I have a tiny bump but other days looks like there's nothing. I know each pregnancy is different and each baby is different. But I was wondering what the average is for starting to show!? I'm 5'3 and about 95 pounds if that matters.

回答 (4)

2015-12-07 9:50 pm
Depends on the woman. Some start showing really early, but other won't show until later. I think I first noticed I was showing just barely around 10 weeks, though it wasn't noticeable to others until probably 13 or 14 weeks. It really just depends. Congratulations!
2015-12-07 11:34 pm
It's completely individual. It has nothing to with height or weight, it's all in how your uterus grows. With my oldest, I was very visibly pregnant long before I was out of my first trimester. With my second son, I didn't show at all until I was seven months pregnant.
2015-12-07 9:21 pm

When you show depends on whether and where you carry any extra weight and on how wide-set your hips are. I was a little heavy, and have wide hips, and didn't show clearly until four months.

You're quite slender, so I expect you'll show much sooner.
2015-12-08 2:19 am
You are basically correct: When you begin showing depends upon each woman and each pregnancy. But you couldn't possibly have any "baby bump" if you're only 7 weeks pregnant.

I'm just about your size, and I didn't really start "showing" until I was almost 5 months pregnant. Even then, I was still able to wear my regular clothes and I could see a slight "bump" only when I was naked.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 15:36:11
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