Will I get oral herpes if my friend touched my food before giving it to me?

2015-12-06 10:01 pm
He cut me a piece of his apple off, he hadn't bitten off of it or anything but I'm worried he touched his cold sore before handing me a piece

回答 (3)

2016-08-13 10:34 am
參考: 100% natural way to kill herpes... https://herpesfix.org/?8qzwd
2015-12-06 10:57 pm
No you don't get herpes from just having some one with it just touch your food.
You would have to kiss him on the mouth or he would have to kiss you on the mouth while he had a cold sore for you to have any chance of getting it.
2015-12-06 10:29 pm
You're crazy.

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