I am fifteen and have small breasts? Do guys not like this? And is this normal because most of my friends have bigger breasts?

2015-12-06 6:25 pm
Oh, by the way, I am a 32A and can still fit into training bras, if I want.

回答 (14)

2015-12-06 6:42 pm
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When I was 15, I wasn't even in a 30AA. I felt so insecure. No boys were ever interested and always cared about my big-breasted friends. Now let me tell you. Your boobs will carry on growing until you're 21 so don't stress. It's totally normal to have smaller boobs, people have completely different body shapes. If a boy is only interested in you for some balls of fat on your chest, screw them. A loyal and loving boy will come along and try won't care about your chest. They'll love you for who you are, as cliche as that is. Love life before you have adult problems and responsibilities.
2015-12-06 7:51 pm
Me personally I think that your breast size is just right. If I were you I wouldn't lose sleep over it because they're plenty of guys who like them big, small, or just don't even care. But no your breasts are fine, most guys shouldn't care, & yes it's normal.
參考: 17 year old guy.
2015-12-06 6:43 pm
Every guy has his own preference. Some guys prefer small breast. Some guys prefer large breast. But the majority don't care. Every set of boobs are different.

Training bras come in lots of sizes, that is irrelevant. As a 32A, you can still buy bras at La Senza and Victoria Secret.
2015-12-06 6:41 pm
"Guys" are not a monolith. Larger breasts are certainly more popular but there are plenty of guys who prefer smaller ones, and I'd say that a large majority of guys consider "breasts that I am allowed to see/handle" as their absolute favorite type of breast:)

Yes it's normal. People and their breasts come in all shapes and sizes.
2015-12-18 1:16 am
To me it would not bother me if she had small breast. I have small hands and all I like to feel is a handful. But I think that most guys would be more interested in what she has between her legs. That is where it's the best if you are going to have sex with her and it's where it feels so good when you are having intercourse with her.
2015-12-17 7:39 pm
It's a shame but most younger guys are hung up on bigger breasts, I guess because they are so new to them yet and think big ones are better. Don't worry. More mature guys know breasts are secondary in considering what's important, and know it's that honey hole between your legs what really matters the most.
2015-12-13 4:01 pm
Please take notice of how flat chested REAL models are. Real models like the ones you see modeling women's clothing in magazines - none of them have big breasts. Hollywood and TV have sold us on the idea that big boobs equate to a sexy woman - such BS. Admittedly a lot of guys have bought into that, but sooner or later they'll learn that the size of a females boobs has nothing to do with her sex drive. The chances are very good that if you and all your female classmates lined up in a row, I'd choose you to be the sexiest. Hang one - eventually all those teen aged boys you'd like to impress will grow up and get their priorities straight.
2015-12-09 2:49 am
I have small boobs too. I'm 18 and I'm a 34B. Don't be ashamed. You're still going through puberty. My good friend didn't start getting her boobs until she was almost 17. Don't worry it's normal.
2015-12-07 12:28 am
Oh yes, that is very nice indeed. Only thing is if you are very self-conscious and freeze up about it, then it takes more courage and determination to go for you - because that is easily misinterpreted as you being aloof and rejecting - or maybe just generally that would be a high risk of rejection or an awkward situation if someone goes for you. It is much easier with an outgoing girl who puts the words in ones mouth.

I'm not saying this to make you change behaviour! Just as a better explanation if you think some others get more "hits". 15 year old guys are very apprehensive about the risk of "showing their hand", making a move ... and then be rejected. They will get better and "braver" (and more interested actually) later on. But remember how short a while ago it is, that they weren't even interested in girls at all? ;o)

So give them a little time, and relax about your breast size (that is fine).
2015-12-06 9:12 pm
I'm a guy and I really do prefer smaller breasts on a girl. I'd be happy with your size.

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